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a ghastly blunder

a ghastly blunder

Only Chess

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8...Bf5?? Here I missed a simple tactic (fortunately, so did White), a variation on the fork trick: 9.cxd5 Nxd5 10.e4 Nxc3 11.Qxc3 Be6 12.Nf6 f6 and material is equal while White should have a comfortable game. The backward pawn on d3 might be a long-term liability but White should have little problem protecting it for the moment. 13.Be2 Qd6 14.o-o Rad8 15.Rad1 Rd7 16.Rd2 Rfd8 17.Rfd1

To my shame, I didn't even notice this until after the game, while thinking about my opponent's very odd mistake 9.e4.

I came up with this as an alternative move idea:

8...d4 9.Bd2 dxe3 10.Bxe3 Nd4 (attacking the queen and threatening a fork on c2 if the queen moves too far away); on 11.Bxd4? exd4 the e-file is open and White's king is vulnerable. The outpost can be additionally anchored by ...c5 in the event that White plays Ne2 to force a trade.

Any assessments of this alternative idea, or strong suggestions for this move or in general?

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Well my "ghastly" blunders involve me giving my Queen away for nothing. I have a few of those games already. My "horrible" blunders have me giving a piece away for nothing. Finally, my "stupid" blunders are when I lose the exchange.
I wouldn't call what you did "ghastly" but I think 8...d4 is better.

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[redundant comment removed by commenter]

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We all blow advantages, get over it.

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Originally posted by RODRIGO is my name
Well my "ghastly" blunders involve me giving my Queen away for nothing. I have a few of those games already. My "horrible" blunders have me giving a piece away for nothing. Finally, my "stupid" blunders are when I lose the exchange.
I wouldn't call what you did "ghastly" but I think 8...d4 is better.
Well...there was, I confess, a certain degree of hyperbole in my description. Nevertheless, to give away a perfectly good opening in which I had (seemingly) gained significant advantages in development, in the center, and in terms of king safety, by missing a quite simple and straightforward tactic, is certainly a ghastly blunder by my own evolving standards.

Any further comments? Where is the ubiquitous greenpawn34? I'm always willing to consider words of wisdom from someone of his experience; the last time I questioned (strictly from ignorance) his evaluation of a position, he ended up convincing me.

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Shoot him a pm.

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Originally posted by Eladar
We all blow advantages, get over it.
I'm not looking for solace, I'm looking for insight. If you have none, kindly stop babbling. If I wanted a faulty inference engine's feedback, Eladar, I'd take out the old Toys 'r Us electronic set: it, at least, could offer concrete chess advice, however erroneous, without insolence.

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If you know you missed a tactic, then you know what you need to know.

If you don't want people posting to your thread, then don't make one, just pm individuals who you believe could help.

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Originally posted by Eladar
Shoot him a pm.
Why a private message? This is not a private matter. He is not the only potential commenter and I am soliciting comment from strong players. If I do not consider myself a strong player (see first comment in this thread), then I certainly don't consider you to be one. Please stop trolling with your provocative displays of false affect, AI program.

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You asked for one person's help. Why not do it in a pm?

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Originally posted by Eladar
If you know you missed a tactic, then you know what you need to know.

If you don't want people posting to your thread, then don't make one, just pm individuals who you believe could help.
The same old ridiculous false assertions from Eladar, I see.

(1) Knowing I missed a tactic is not all there is to know. I have solicited evaluations of the game, in that position, and to that point, from strong players. You do not qualify, and your remarks do not even constitute a good faith effort to be responsive.

(2) It is much more efficient to post one public comment in a chess forum soliciting insights, than it is to send multiple private messages to isolated individuals. They can also see each other's comments and feedback in ways that are deeper and more useful.

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Originally posted by Eladar
You asked for one person's help. Why not do it in a pm?
Because I did not ask ONLY for one individual's advice.

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You know, if you disagree with someone you don't need to reply.

Hopefully some strong player(s) answer you question.

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Originally posted by Eladar
You know, if you disagree with someone you don't need to reply.

Hopefully some strong player(s) answer you question.
Yes, I commonly disagree with what I read without replying. That does not mean that I should never reply to what I disagree with, or that it is inappropriate to reply to you in this particular instance of disagreement. Please stop posting in this thread since you have already indicated you have no constructive or even responsive remarks to make.

Originally posted by Schach Attack
Yes, I commonly disagree with what I read without replying. That does not mean that I should never reply to what I disagree with, or that it is inappropriate to reply to you in this particular instance of disagreement. Please stop posting in this thread since you have already indicated you have no constructive or even responsive remarks to make.
Dude, you'd argue with a stone wall wouldn't you?

You see, I'm just replying because I have nothing better to do. You are replying because you actually think you have a point. This is internet board posting that has not point. If you don't want to go around in multiple posts getting nothing accomplished, then don't answer the posts you disagree with. (Unless of course you do want to go through multiple posts and simply waste space, which of course is all we've accomplished)

That's my lesson for you for today. If you feel the need to reply, I'll let you have the last word.

Anyone want to give this lad a bit of advice?

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