Originally posted by adam warlock b4+ Ka4 Qc2+ Kxa3 Rd3+ ...
Originally posted by DeepThought 1. Rxb5 axb5 (Kxb5 2. Qd6+) 2. b4+ Ka4 3. Ra8#
River City
Originally posted by cmsMaster Rxb5+ isn't it? 🙁
... drunk
Originally posted by adam warlock ... drunk
Originally posted by Wulebgr Kc6 moves into check (and the king is moving two squares): an illegal move. I'm reaching for the handcuffs, and you're going to jail. 😉
Originally posted by adam warlock i'm kinda drunk...
Rd5 any promotion Rd5 to b5+ a6xb5 b4+ Ka4 Ra8# Is this ok?
Originally posted by cmsMaster How do you think I managed to find Rxb5+?
Originally posted by adam warlock Rd5 any promotion Rd5 to b5+ a6xb5 b4+ Ka4 Ra8# Is this ok?
Originally posted by Wulebgr 1.Rd5 e1Q+
Quarantined World
Originally posted by cmsMaster Your side variation's no good, Rd5+ would be the only legal mov - Qf5+ seems to work maybe?
Originally posted by DeepThought I meant Qd3+. The problem with 1. b4+ Ka4 2. Qc2+ Kxa3 3. Rd3+ Bxd3 4. Qxd3+ is that the b pawn gets in the way of giving checkmate.
Originally posted by adam warlock argh!!! Five moves you say? Now i'm on!
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