Originally posted by Crushing DayI have not seen this opening before. Using a database I would take the pawn. Over the board I would have played 3. e3? Kasparov and Karpov took the pawn. When was the last time I played 1. d4?
Do you play the "safe" 3. cd5 Bb1 4. Qa4 line? Or the wild 3. Qb3 variation?[fen]rn1qkbnr/ppp1pppp/8/3p1b2/2PP4/8/PP2PPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -[/fen]
Originally posted by gambit3why e3? that blocks in your bishop and is passive...why not Nc3 or f3 both of which can be followed with e4 after dxc4.
I have not seen this opening before. Using a database I would take the pawn. Over the board I would have played 3. e3? Kasparov and Karpov took the pawn. When was the last time I played 1. d4?
Originally posted by tomtom232I did not think more then ten seconds about that move. I often have the problem of a blocked Bishop. The position might not bother me. I would just play the position I left myself with. I did state that I would have taken the pawn at the correnspondence level. Kasparov and Karpov took the pawn.
why e3? that blocks in your bishop and is passive...why not Nc3 or f3 both of which can be followed with e4 after dxc4.