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...and if there was no Paul Morphy?

...and if there was no Paul Morphy?

Only Chess

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Originally posted by David Tebb
I played a great game a few days ago, in which I sacrificed several pieces to chase my opponent's King around the board.

I showed it to a few people in my chess club and one guy said it reminded him of Paul Morphy!

Here is the game:

David Tebb - Graham Lilley, Merseyside League 2012

1. e4 c5 2. d4 cxd4 3. c3 dxc3 4. Nxc3 Nc6 5. Nf3 d ...[text shortened]... d7 17. Qxb5+ Ke7 18. Nxe5 Qd8 19. Qxb7+ Kf6 20. Qxf7+ Kxe5 21. f4+ Kd6 22. Qb7 e5 23. Rc6[/pgn]
Spectacular is the word for it. It's the kind of game where people gather around the board as it is played.

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Originally posted by Paul Leggett
Spectacular is the word for it. It's the kind of game where people gather around the board as it is played.
Thanks, Paul.

Yes, there were a few people standing around watching the game.

Afterwards one of the players from my opponent's team congratulated me, which was very nice. 🙂

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Originally posted by David Tebb
Thanks, Paul.

Yes, there were a few people standing around watching the game.

Afterwards one of the players from my opponent's team congratulated me, which was very nice. 🙂
I'm not surprised. That is chess at its finest 🙂


Super Game Dave and yes Morphy reminders all over the board
on that one. I'm sure If Morphy had met more Sicilians he would
have played the Morra, it would today be called the Morphy Gambit.

He sometimes played 2.d4 cxd4 3.Nf3 setting a developing trap v a tactical trap.
His oppoents would play 3...e5

Expecting PCM to take the e-pawn and lose the Knight (4.Nxe5 Qa5+)

Morphy now happy the game the was basically an e4-e5 opening of course
ignored the pawn and played 4.Bc4 with a later Qb3 and c3.

It's always good to get a hearty genuine congratulation from your opponent.
Had a round of applause once at a league match. That was good.

Recall getting a letter (you young un's google 'letter' to see what I'm talking about.)
a few days after the game from my opponent thanking me for the game.

(also recall get a phone call at 8.30am the next day from a lad I had swindled
telling me how he could have won! The poor lad must have been up all night
thinking about it.)

I like it when they say they have never been involved in game like that
Of course I reply I'm involved in one of them everytime I play.

I loved the crowd milling around my board.
Being a natural show-off it did not affect me at all but it often induced a
blunder from across the board.

Great game Dave. Send it into CHESS/BCM either will take it.
It should be shared and preserved in ink.


Originally posted by David Tebb
I played a great game a few days ago, in which I sacrificed several pieces to chase my opponent's King around the board.

I showed it to a few people in my chess club and one guy said it reminded him of Paul Morphy!

Here is the game:

David Tebb - Graham Lilley, Merseyside League 2012

1. e4 c5 2. d4 cxd4 3. c3 dxc3 4. Nxc3 Nc6 5. Nf3 d ...[text shortened]... d7 17. Qxb5+ Ke7 18. Nxe5 Qd8 19. Qxb7+ Kf6 20. Qxf7+ Kxe5 21. f4+ Kd6 22. Qb7 e5 23. Rc6[/pgn]
Nice game.... but your opponent is blind!


Originally posted by queenabber
Nice game.... but your opponent is blind!
That's right. Graham Lilley is blind, but he's also a very strong player.

He currently has an ECF grade of 182 and an Elo rating of just under 2100.
About 10 years ago he was rated over 2200.

I've played Graham many times over the last 20 or so years and he usually gives me a tough game.

For instance, the previous time we played the game lasted 60 moves,
with me eventually winning in a knight versus bishop ending.

I'm sure if he wasn't blind, Graham would have become an International Master, possibly a Grandmaster.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Super Game Dave and yes Morphy reminders all over the board
on that one. I'm sure If Morphy had met more Sicilians he would
have played the Morra, it would today be called the Morphy Gambit.

He sometimes played 2.d4 cxd4 3.Nf3 setting a developing trap v a tactical trap.
His oppoents would play 3...e5

[fen]rnbqkbnr/pp1p1ppp/8/4p3/3pP3/5N2/PPP2PP ...[text shortened]... e. Send it into CHESS/BCM either will take it.
It should be shared and preserved in ink.
Thanks, Geoff.

I doubt that I'll bother sending it to a chess magazine.

Having shown the game to my mates,
I thought I’d also share it with the site.

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You are too modest David.
You are the lad who has an OTB FM title but cannot be bothered to claim it (yes?)
Me I'd have right away and plaster it all over my profile....three times!!!

I'll pass it onto the BCM - it's a good advert for League Chess.
(I'll let them note it up, wonder if they will call Rxd7 a 'positional sacrifice'. 🙂 )

I know many blind chess players.
Use to with Alastair White help orgnise a British Blind Chess Tournament in the 80's.
The standard of play was very high.

Smashing company sitting around a table in Bells after the torunament
all talking about a chess game with no board.
These lads held a perfect pucture in their head, and the analysis and moves
were coming fast. It was me that was getting corrected.

The winner was usually a lad called Derek Hayes who despite beng
totally blind was a school teacher in the Manchester area.
He appeared in the final of the BBC radio programme 'The Brain of Britain.'

I often tested him on sport. He knew all the National winners from the year dot.
The winners and score of all the Fa Cup finals and...this I found amazing
though were only two answers. Who won the boat race in what year.
(what do you use as a memory hook for that one?)

EDIT: knew I was right. Thread 137369
Can you still apply David. I'll organise a whip round from the lads on here for the money.

Then I can put on my profile - 'have applied for an FM title.' 🙂

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
You are too modest David.
You are the lad who has an OTB FM title but cannot be bothered to claim it (yes?)
Me I'd have right away and plaster it all over my profile....three times!!!

I'll pass it onto the BCM - it's a good advert for League Chess.
(I'll let them note it up, wonder if they will call Rxd7 a 'positional sacrifice'. 🙂 )

I know man ...[text shortened]... for the money.

Then I can put on my profile - 'have applied for an FM title.' 🙂
I told MontyMoose I would pay his courtesy forward, and this sounds like a great cause. Let me know where to send my contribution and it will be on the way!

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Originally posted by David Tebb
I played a great game a few days ago, in which I sacrificed several pieces to chase my opponent's King around the board.

I showed it to a few people in my chess club and one guy said it reminded him of Paul Morphy!

Here is the game:

David Tebb - Graham Lilley, Merseyside League 2012

1. e4 c5 2. d4 cxd4 3. c3 dxc3 4. Nxc3 Nc6 5. Nf3 d ...[text shortened]... d7 17. Qxb5+ Ke7 18. Nxe5 Qd8 19. Qxb7+ Kf6 20. Qxf7+ Kxe5 21. f4+ Kd6 22. Qb7 e5 23. Rc6[/pgn]
Instead of the break in checks with 22.Qb7, I would prefer seeing the checks continue with 22.e5 in Morphy style as shown below:

P.S. I like the idea of forcing the King around the board with checks until the final checkmate.

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Originally posted by queenabber
Nice game.... but your opponent is blind!
There are none so blind as those who will not see.

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Qb7 is much more efficient.

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Great game Mr T

Can black survive after 21.... Kd4 (instead of d6) ? Looks wrong but given how quickly the game finished after Kd6 is there a quick wrap up ?

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Originally posted by st40
Great game Mr T

Can black survive after 21.... Kd4 (instead of d6) ? Looks wrong but given how quickly the game finished after Kd6 is there a quick wrap up ?
Rd1+... K moves

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Originally posted by ChessPraxis
Rd1+... K moves
and black has material for the queen....

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