Originally posted by buddy2Originally I would whine a little about it but after the magnificent show by someone (sorry forgotten who, shame on me since it was truely wonderful) whereby the enemy king had just 2 squares to shuffle between, I now like to humiliate opponents who do that by promoting to 3-5 queens/rooks (obviously being careful of stalemate) or fooling around. We should have a thread with games of people like that.
I don't know what everybody's complaining about. Whatever isn't illegal is permitted and there's nothing you can do about it (unless you change the rules). Players can take as much time as is permitted. All this yelling is a waste of time and bad feelings. I've got opponents who are taking as long as they can, maybe hoping i have a heart attack in th ...[text shortened]... good natured. All this discussion does is create bad feelings and cures nothing people dislike.
Originally posted by MIODudei agree.. i dont give a crap about myy rating though.. i just play for fun.. and i move within a day of any one else moving usually many many times a day regardless of time limit... but whadoIno... i suck at this game..lol
I must be too easy going.. nothing ever bugs me .. stallers.. never resigning.. .. nothing except my own bonehead moves. (man I curse that.. luckily I don't break my computer after some moves!)
if they don't resign.. then I can practice my mating moves.. (umm.. not the ones in the bedroom).. if they stall.. I can concentrate on current games.. ).. .. for the other.. well.. I can see that being annoying, but.. oh well.. its just a rating
There you go. dfthd has an idea. I've been inspired. In the game i have where my opponent is hopeless and keeps on playing i'll have a little fun. promote several pawns into--knights maybe. It'd be cool to have 4 knights whirling around. Of course, there's always a chance of stalemate, so i'll have to leave one escape square open. surely, it must be unsettling for your opponent to face such a game day after day and retain his equanimity.🙄
3 day/7day is fine. You can shoot away for the weekend .. no prob.
I love a good cat n mouse end game... and stated this in my profile. Whether losing or winning. The chase is fun.. and you learn techniques all the way.
I've been looking at many games played by the experts in here. many have been resigned so early it's well beyond my level to see the result.
I hate people asking for resignation 6 moves into the game and laugh like hell when they lose a few moves later.
I wish more people would play til the end and enjoy a chat on the way. If some of the expert games had been finished we could study them.
Bet some would have been won by the resigner!!
Originally posted by Tirau DanPersonally, I resign when I consider the position lost, as even if I win the game, its nothing to be proud of.
3 day/7day is fine. You can shoot away for the weekend .. no prob.
I love a good cat n mouse end game... and stated this in my profile. Whether losing or winning. The chase is fun.. and you learn techniques all the way.
I've been looking at many games played by the experts in here. many have been resigned so early it's well beyond my level to see t ...[text shortened]... rt games had been finished we could study them.
Bet some would have been won by the resigner!!
Originally posted by DustnrogersI agree with you Dustin...
so great, i come online today, and find two messages from this jerk, and im sitting here, like what, now??? Because i made one move against one opponent in two days because ive been really busy, your giving me sh** i have a full timebank against you, and because i dont move against you every hour, makes you freakout, your immature, and stup*d, grow up, p ...[text shortened]... ying that sometimes i cant move everyday, im not going to get timedout, so who cares!!
I was playing a game against a friend from Chile in another website and he expressed his concern about 'dragging' his games against me and his desire to resign due to this. I told him that I was going to be more offended by a resignation rather than him using HIS time in a lawfull manner [ Plus, he has kids and his house, in his own words, resembles a zoo sometimes ] There is a way to claim a win on time so what's the big deal? Why be offended by your opponent using HIS time as he pleases?
personally, i was referring to the annoying habit... such as when oppenents play the games they are winning in multiple times a day, but the ones they don't have an advantage in they use the complete time bank (in this case 3/7)...anyway in my earlier posting i just wanted to let people know that this was the habit of that player who i would never play again and whose two later challenges i wish i had declined...
Originally posted by DfthdI agree with you.... to have an end game there must be a game.
Personally, I resign when I consider the position lost, as even if I win the game, its nothing to be proud of.
But never give in just because you're two major pieces down or lose you queen as some do. Winning games after making a stupid opening is great fun.
Some people are expert enough to know they will win much early than others. Asserting that knowledge on lesser oppontants is arrogance.
Fortunately the few I've played over 1600 have been nothing but helpful and pleasantly chatty during play.
Originally posted by Tirau DanI usually don't play on if the person is rated around my rating because he'd just crush me.
I agree with you.... to have an end game there must be a game.
But never give in just because you're two major pieces down or lose you queen as some do. Winning games after making a stupid opening is great fun.
Some people are expert enough to know they will win much early than others. Asserting that knowledge on lesser oppontants is arrogance.
F ...[text shortened]... few I've played over 1600 have been nothing but helpful and pleasantly chatty during play.
Personally, i fight everything out, its a learning experience, if you just resign a position you cannot see how it is played out. Bowman, and Buddy2 are right. I played dustn twice and beat him in quick time, we had no problems, he was actually the first player to message me on this site and got me interested in clans and now i play on two clans with him. Hes pleasant. I dont see a problem as long as he doesnt get timedout, if he does, well complain then of course. If not, well your going to win, its chess either win now, or win in a week, its not about the rating its about the experience and the fun. So what does time matter if he stays in the requirements?? And if you dont like it, dont play him, i have several opponents that do the same to me, if not worse. I just play...maybe send them a wink during the game just to let them know i dont care lol.
when my chess opponent starts fuming and getting grumpy and blaming me for 'this' and 'that', claiming the rules or the clock or whatever is unfair .... that my knights shouldn't be able to jump over their pawns ...
i just take it as a compliment 😏
if you don't like the time your opponent uses on each move ... then be very selective about your preferred timelimits:
if you don't like your opponent to take long on their moves then choose short timeouts.
if you want to be able to have a holiday without getting timed out, then choose your timebank to be at least as long as your holiday.
if you want to avoid players doing everything they can to use the rules and abilities of rhp for their own fun and freedom, then ... goto your profile page, and challenge yourself to a game 😀
every little kid knows it is more fun with other people - even with their often bizarre and annoying quirks and antics:
You cannot challenge yourself!