Originally posted by DeepThoughtThanks to you and Jusuh. But i got the point partly myself so for now that's good for me.
The problem with an immediate Rb8 is 1. Rb8 Kxb8 2. Qb3/4/5 Kc8 3. Qb7+ Kd8 4. Qb8+ Qc8 and white isn't going to win. Since white has to prevent mate in one and Rb8 isn't the answer it must be:
1. Qe6+ Qxe6 2. Nd7 Qxd7 (black has to prevent Rb8🙄 3. Rb8+ Kxb8 4. cxd7 moves 5. d8=Q#
no way to do it without checking right away, because white's kind of in a bind down there. I think you'll have to sack all 3 pieces (Q,R,N) before you can start winning back pieces and promoting a pawn. Neat how you can get out of such a pickle down in the corner there and pull out a win. Probably would've resigned this game. 🙂
Well everyone found that too easy, eh?
Ok, here is the hardest puzzle I ever encountered. I don't think it's especially beautiful, compared say to Andersen-Anonymous, but heh. That got complaints.
So this stumped two IM friends of mine for over a week. And Lasker called it 'close to the ideal', for a study. White to play. How should the game go?
Originally posted by TommyCFor this one i'll have to set the board! No doubt about it!
Well everyone found that too easy, eh?
Ok, here is the hardest puzzle I ever encountered. I don't think it's especially beautiful, compared say to Andersen-Anonymous, but heh. That got complaints.
So this stumped two IM friends of mine for over a week. And Lasker called it 'close to the ideal', for a study. White to play. How should the game go?
[fen]8/b1p3p1/Bk6/4N3/8/8/8/N5K1 w - - 0 1[/fen]
Originally posted by TommyClet me mull it over....for about a week. I'll get back to you. For what it's worth, I liked that last one.
Well everyone found that too easy, eh?
Ok, here is the hardest puzzle I ever encountered. I don't think it's especially beautiful, compared say to Andersen-Anonymous, but heh. That got complaints.
So this stumped two IM friends of mine for over a week. And Lasker called it 'close to the ideal', for a study. White to play. How should the game go?
[fen]8/b1p3p1/Bk6/4N3/8/8/8/N5K1 w - - 0 1[/fen]
Originally posted by TommyCthis puzzle is just sick. I have no endgame tablebases inserted into my brains, you know.
Well everyone found that too easy, eh?
Ok, here is the hardest puzzle I ever encountered. I don't think it's especially beautiful, compared say to Andersen-Anonymous, but heh. That got complaints.
So this stumped two IM friends of mine for over a week. And Lasker called it 'close to the ideal', for a study. White to play. How should the game go?
[fen]8/b1p3p1/Bk6/4N3/8/8/8/N5K1 w - - 0 1[/fen]
Originally posted by adam warlockI dont think it helps. I mean, N+N+B vs. B is a draw (I guess). And if white moves his bishop then black can get his pieces alive with free tempo (check). 2Ps+B vs. 2Ns+B with well centralized black king should be a draw, and even if its not, I don't think there is any point to make a puzzle with something like 35 moves long solution.
I think we just have to set the board up for this one! At least i know I have to... 😞
If white does not move his bishop, which I think is the case, then he must keep black king on the edge and mate him with two knights. That could be possible, given that there are some black pieces blocking possible escape squares.