Originally posted by schakuhr{36MB, Fritz10.ctg} 1... a4 (1... Qa1 2. Bf4 (2. Be3 Na4 3. bxa4 Qxa2 4. Rd2
[fen]2r2bk1/5ppp/rn2pq2/p7/1p2P3/1P1Q1P2/P1PB2PP/1NKR3R b - -[/fen]
im interested in what it would have to say about this position - black to move.
Rd6 {-#16/10}) 2... Qxa2 3. Rd2 a4 4. Re1 axb3 $19 {-26.59/15}) 2. e5 axb3 (
2... Qf5 3. Bc3 axb3 4. Kd2 Qg5+ {-#13/8}) 3. Rdg1 Qf5 4. Kd1 bxc2+ {-#7/5} *
"Black has a desicive advantage"
Fritz 10
Best opening move: to a depth of 23 total/56 for best lines: (2 lines calculated): Deep Fritz 10 prefers 1. e4 (with value of white + 0.26 pawns to white) versus 1.d4 (with a value to white of +0.19).
To a depth of 22/55: 1st (+0.20 pawns) 1.e4, 2nd (+0.18 pawns) 1.d4, 3rd (+0.14 pawns) 1.Nf3, 4th (+0.14 pawns) 1.e3 (different!), 5th (+0.08 pawns) 1.Nc3, 6th (-0.07 pawns, so favouring Black over White) 1.f4, 7th (-0.07 pawns) 1. a3, 8th (-0.11) 1.c4.
It then prefers 1...e5 as a response to 1.e4, and ever so slightly prefers Petroff's Defence (aka the Russian Game) over the Ruy Lopez - well, OK, 2...Nf6 (+0.38 pawns to a depth of 22/50 something) over 2...Nc6 (+0.37 pawns).
Response to 1.e4: 1st 1...e5 (+ 0.26), 2nd 1...d5 (+0.34), 3rd 1...Nc6 (+0.40), 4th 1...e6 (+0.50), 5th 1...d6 (+0.50), 6th 1...c6 (+0.51), 7th 1...Nf6 (+0.55), =7th 1...c5 (+0.55)
Originally posted by ChessJesterHi - I've analysed the position - here we go!
My opponent just resigned... could you analyze the end position of this game? Game 3187537 I want to see if he could have stuck out for a draw with a rook sac... I thought he would try it, instead, he resigned!
Best line: -+ (-19.72 i.e. he's being slaughtered, of course - but can hold on for quite a while!) 34. Qd2 Qb3+ 35. Rd3 Rc3 36. Ke2 Rxd3 37. Qxd3 Rc2+ 38. Qxc2 Qxc2+ 39. Ke3 b5 40. Kf3 Qc3+ 41. Kf4 Qc1+
42. Ke5 Qc5+ 43. Kf4
This is after an hour and three quarters of analysis (I reduced the number of lines calculated only part way through the analysis, I'm afraid)
Originally posted by ptoblerthat was 19/54 moves deep...
Hi - I've analysed the position - here we go!
Best line: -+ (-19.72 i.e. he's being slaughtered, of course - but can hold on for quite a while!) 34. Qd2 Qb3+ 35. Rd3 Rc3 36. Ke2 Rxd3 37. Qxd3 Rc2+ 38. Qxc2 Qxc2+ 39. Ke3 b5 40. Kf3 Qc3+ 41. Kf4 Qc1+
42. Ke5 Qc5+ 43. Kf4
This is after an hour and three quarters of analysis (I reduced the number of lines calculated only part way through the analysis, I'm afraid)
This is an adjourned position of mine, i'm still trying to decide whether i should resign or not (any thoughts welcome).
I'm black and it is black to move. My opponent has sealed a move which i have assumed here to be Nd6 (the white Knight is currently on b5 but i assume he has played Nd6 as it is such a strong move, he's pretty strong...)
This is probably the sharpest position i've ever had! I sat down with Sicillian smaug and analysed this for 2.5 hours OTB a couple of weeks ago and we came away with more questions than answers. White can achieve a nice initiative here and black needs to be super accurate but there are a number of tactical resources for black too so i'd be really interested to see how the computer evaluates it. My suspicion is that it is lost for black though...:'(
Originally posted by z00tWhat are you talking about?? This is an adjourned position for my Club, there are no rules that prevent me from seeking any kind of assistance. When we reconvine i have to play with my brain just the same as any other time, it is expected that the position will be analysed with an engine during the adjournment period.
Third party assistance is forbidden. You should not ask for outside help with your games here or on other sites.
Originally posted by ptoblerHmm that seems simple enough... thanks
Hi - I've analysed the position - here we go!
Best line: -+ (-19.72 i.e. he's being slaughtered, of course - but can hold on for quite a while!) 34. Qd2 Qb3+ 35. Rd3 Rc3 36. Ke2 Rxd3 37. Qxd3 Rc2+ 38. Qxc2 Qxc2+ 39. Ke3 b5 40. Kf3 Qc3+ 41. Kf4 Qc1+
42. Ke5 Qc5+ 43. Kf4
This is after an hour and three quarters of analysis (I reduced the number of lines calculated only part way through the analysis, I'm afraid)