Originally posted by orion25haha i actually offered the draw....
I think he accidently cliked the offer draw button... maybe he isnt so good at engames or thought he was losing (maybe he tought he was down half a point of material because he didnt have a bischop!) anyhow good job accepting the draw 😉
i was lucky enough he accepted.
Originally posted by Romanticusyes its true, its the same blunder that was already stated, but a move earlier, I guess that pretty much shows that Kh4 is impossible, Kg2 be it then, which means white has no chance to try and create a passed pawn and is thus completely lost...
33.Kh4 is suicide.
31....,Nc2 32.Re2,Rd3+ 33.Kh4??,Nd4 attacking the rook on e2 and threatening Rxd2! followed by the knightfork on f3 and Black wins a piece and the game.I don't see a way to prevent the loss of a piece.
White's king belongs on g2 simply because there's nowhere else to go without losing a piece.
I'm off to study tactics