From the exeter chess club site:
Good system. Strong points include 1) consistent piece setup, 2) the
ability to tackle playing 1.e4 e5 while not having to bookup on all
the other systems with detailed theory, 3) tactical possibilities on
the kingside, 4) sufficient texts available as well as computer tools
like Bookup database, and 5) Robert J. Fischer played the system from
time to time (although not against just anything).
Weak points include 1) allows your opponent a vast number of responses
for which you must generate different plans, 2) does not get you out
of having to understand positional chess and pawn breaks, 3) when
played mindlessly against anything black plays, you can get into
trouble (scores poorly against some Sicilian systems), 4) cannot be
played against the Scandanavian (Center Counter), and 5) Robert J.
Fischer played the system from time to time (just couldn't resist
inserting this one a second time).
Some games here from both sides :