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Bishop Sacrifice

Bishop Sacrifice

Only Chess

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Originally posted by tomtom232
if your pawn on d7 was on d6 this would make a big difference, though i am not sure that it would be sound even with that change in the position.
Perhaps if he had moved some other pieces around whilst his opponant wasn't looking he might have done even better.

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Yeah... I don´t think the sac is unsound, but interesting though


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Originally posted by FixarN
Yeah... I don´t think the sac is unsound, but interesting though

How can you justify the sac?

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Originally posted by Freddie2006
Perhaps if he had moved some other pieces around whilst his opponant wasn't looking he might have done even better.
a try would be the pawn sac d5 followed by the bishop sac but it would have to be calculated to a win before i would try it or at least getting all you material back.

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I would just play 5. ...Be7 (where it belongs)

after d6, white shouldve just played Bb2 or Nf3 to continue developing. He could then castle artificially and make black look really stupid for playing Bxf2+

instead, white feared Bg4 and played h3?. Granted, after Nf3, Bg4 isn't a bad move for black, but it's not dangerous for white either. After Be2, white is ready to play Rf1 and Kg1.

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I´m srry, I worte wrong. I Mean I don´t think the Sac is SOUND!!


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Here's the most clear cut time to sac a bishop...careful study of this position and follow-ups will win you several games...


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