Originally posted by tomtom232+1
well you came on here asking for help and you shunned the answers that were given by people who have books on the english and/or have studied it. what makes you think people will want to help in the future? when you are just rude and answer your own question anyway.
There is a difference between reading and writing carelessly in a rude fashion, and in a friendly fashion. When people are trying to help you understand why a move is good, or what the best move is, and you're disrespectful in your responses, you don't deserve the help you got. Keep this up and your posts are probably going to go replyless.
tony kostens book suggests c4 g3 and Bg2 in almost every move sequence a few which don't work, but the major lines do. if d5 just play cxd5. A friend of mine has very good lines against c6 so I have moved to Nf6 e6 and d5 when playing against the englsh. Nc3 is a good move as well. Nc3 should always be played and can be after c4 or you can use it later when you want. Look at bottviniks games, he is very famous for using this opening and winning well with it. so is korchnoi, he revived it.