@greenpawn34 saidI remember this. It was quite a while back, but your account is absolutely correct.
There was a time when a mod would have deleted the entire thread within minutes of it being posted.
These days the mods (do we have any?) are not so heavy handed.
Treat a game as you would an OTB game where you cannot go about discussing a game you are playing.
It was innocent enough general question but it really should have been asked after the game was over ...[text shortened]... an idiot. Things really blew up from there.
It went on for days till the whole thread was deleted.
@blackpoolmad saidThe lone king doesn't stand a chance against someone who knows what he is doing.
If the king avoids the corner, how hard is it to win if you only have the bishop and knight left?
Hiding in the corner doesn't help.
The game is over, so I guess I can say something about it.
I regularly encounter opponents of the "never say die" type. Even with a bare king against a whole lot of material, they just don't give up.
Just had one like that. He had a bare king, I had 5 pawns, one bishop, and two castles, but he didn't wanna give up.
In cases like that, if he wants to drag the game out, I happily join in. So I brought one pawn to the other side, and horsed it. Then I fed all my material to the lone king, except for the bishop and the horse. And then I started to mate him with the horse and bishop.
As we all know, you can only mate in the corner which has the same color as what the bishop is on. So I drove him to the corner, and for unclear reasons, I couldn't mate him. I was wondering what was going on, until I realized that I had driven the victim to the wrong corner. So I had to drive him out of there, and to the other corner, where I'd be able to mate him.
I was quite worried that I would exceed the 50 moves, I didn't keep track, but normally, when you slip up one time, you can forget about mating him within the 50 moves.
But everything went fine and dandy, I dragged his king to the other side of the board, and finished him off.
The dance with K+B+N against K started on move 59, and he was mate on move
96. That is a total of 37 moves, in which I slept him to the wrong corner, and from there to the right corner. 😀
That'll teach him. 😆
Here another one who didn't want to resign, so he got the horse-bishop treatment.
This time I decided to figure out which corner he had to go to, so he went straight away to the right corner. (a person needs a wake up call once in a while about which corner he has to go to, when you do it too often, you think it all goes by itself, and you stop paying attention)
It took me from move 53 to 77, and then he was mate. 25 moves. On average, with stubborn defense, it takes about 35 moves.
Once you learned it, it's not so hard.
It was the learning part that was hard for me. But then again, learning isn't my strong suit.
Anyway, that's what happens if they don't wanna resign.