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Checkmate in two.

Checkmate in two.

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Then Bh2 wins

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Rh4 doesn't work any time. Black has a bishop in line to snatch that rook off the board.

I was just looking into that Ne8

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Rh4 was the reply if black answered Rh1 with Re7.

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Originally posted by Sicilian Smaug
It must be forced, but check mine 😉
Yep i think this is the one 😉

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Originally posted by Mctayto
I still reckon

Rh1 Bxc7
Rh4 mate
Rh1 is correct!

White cannot mate immediately because of the pieces on the back rank, for example Rh4 mate is prevented by the bishop on d8. Likewise, the other pieces stop e3 mate, Qf5 mate and Nd5 mate. But the fact that each Black piece has a responsibility proves to be Black's undoing, because they can hardly move without stepping on each other's toes. After 1...Re7, for example, White can play 2 Rh4 mate, while 1...Re6 blocks the other bishop and allows 2 Nd5 mate. Indeed, in the diagram position Black has only two moves which cannot be met by immediate mate, namely 1...Bg5 and 1...Re3. If only White can find a way to prepare mates for these moves, then Black will be obliged to fatally weaken himself. What weakness is created by 1...Re3? The answer can only be that it blocks e3, and therefore the bishop on g1 is freed to deliver mate by Bh2. Thus the first move must be with the rook on h2, but should it move to h1 or h3? The answer is provided by the other possible defense, 1...Bg5. This blocks g5 and frees the queen to mate by Qh2. So the solution is the unlikely-looking 1 Rh1! There is no threat, but nevertheless Black has no defense. Here is the full list of variations.
1...Re7/Rf6/Bxc7/Bh4 2 Rh4 (or Rxh4)
1...Re6/Rf7/Bxh7/Bd5 2 Nd5 (or Nxd5)
1...Re5 2 Qg4
1...Re4 2 fxe4
1...Re3 2 Bh2
1...Rxe2+ 2 Nxe2
1...Be7/Be6 2 e3
1...Bf6/Bf7/Rf5 2 Qf5 (or Qxf5)
1...Bg5 2 Qh2
1...c3 2 Nd3

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Here is another one! Mate in 3 this time!!!

White to play and mate in three.

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Originally posted by blindcheesecake
nope. Looking for checkmate in 2
e4 Rxe4

fxe4 isn't mate?

This is for the previous puzzle.

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Originally posted by Red Night
e4 Rxe4

fxe4 isn't mate?

This is for the previous puzzle.
after e4 black would play bg5, this would prevent white form mating in 2

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Originally posted by blindcheesecake
Here is another one! Mate in 3 this time!!!

[fen]8/pk1B4/p7/2K1p3/8/8/4Q3/8 w - - 0 1[/fen]
[b]White to play and mate in three.
1.Kd6 (threat 2.Qb2+ Ka8 3.Bc6# )

1...a5 2.Qb5+ Ka8 3.Bc6#
1...Kb6 2.Qb2+ Ka5 3.Qa3#

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