Originally posted by monteirofit seems that an innacuaracy on your part lead indirectly to mating your opponent in 10 moves. when you played a3 that was a waste of tempo.
Game 3993141
Mate in seven !!
Set piece though so technically nine moves, the seemingly awful black defense in the latvian gambit tourney
(awful to me but then I`m a woodpusher 🙂 )
Game 4204125
I finished one game off recently with a Scholars mate kind of trap but it did take 11 moves and some extremely poor play from my opponent to allow it to happen. Game 4191731 This was the game in question but I was playing very immaturely with numerous early queen moves and would certainly not reccomend to try it against anyone who's aware of basic opening principles
Originally posted by rubberjaw30Your own fault for play Kings Gambit 😛
Game 1904926
second game ever on this site, and I sucked eggs...
classical mating pattern white has to keep in mind while playing against the KGD
I tried it once. I have great respect for people that can win a match playing that.
Game 4255743
My opponent must have been playing either very fast or on auto, due to tiredness or playing too many games at a time. Occasionally it happens, a lot more OTB though.
Originally posted by OutpostThe end position is incredibly amusing, what with the position of the black K and that almost every pawn and piece is still sitting on home base. I like that you just played natural moves, and none of that 2. Qh5 type nonsense.
Game 4255743
My opponent must have been playing either very fast or on auto, due to tiredness or playing too many games at a time. Occasionally it happens, a lot more OTB though.
Here are my miniature games:
Game 3249633
Game 3069088
Game 2386963
Game 3110613
Game 1900874
I'm glad that I'm at the winning side. However, there are som short ones me losing too, like Game 2970070 😞
Originally posted by scandiumGame 1891229
The end position is incredibly amusing, what with the position of the black K and that almost every pawn and piece is still sitting on home base. I like that you just played natural moves, and none of that 2. Qh5 type nonsense.
Been there, done that before :-)
Originally posted by OutpostThere's a fairly well known Morphy game that has the same 6 first moves, except after 7. Qb3 black doesn't hang his K out to dry with Nxe4 🙂 Instead it continued 7... Qe7 8. Nc3 c6 9. Bg5 b5 10. Nxb5 cxb5 11. Bxb5+ Nbd7 12. O-O-O Rd8 13. Rxd7 Rxd7 14. Rd1 Qe6 15. Bxd7+ Nxd7 16. Qb8+ Nxb8 17. Rd8#
Game 1891229
Been there, done that before :-)
One of my favourite games, it is kind of a model in economy of attack and development I find... at the end Morphy has sac'd every piece he has except the two needed to deliver mate.