[Event "Yahoo! Chess Game"]
[Site "Yahoo! Chess"]
[Date "04-04-2007"]
[Round ""]
[White "pureredwhiteblu"]
[Black "swiminpolo"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. e4 d5
2. exd5 Qxd5
3. Nc3 Qd8
4. Nf3 c6
5. Be2 h5
6. O-O h4
7. Ng5 e5
8. Nxf7 Kxf7
9. Bh5+ g6
10. Qf3+ Bf5
11. Qxf5+ Nf6
12. Bxg6+ Ke7
13. Qxe5+ Kd7
14. Bf5++ 1-0
Keep you woman at home!!
Originally posted by Meneer Driesyup - this has been discussed earlier in the thread - I only started the thread so i could see how NOT to play in the opening
I have a question:
aren't these mates always made possible by serieous flaws in the other one's game?
although it does require some mistakes to be made, it is amazing how many games have been posted where 1500-1700 players have made the same mistakes as us lowly 1300-1400 players.
Originally posted by veagersorry, but what did you have if he captured Kxh7. i see nothing past a check and a lost bishop...
Bishop sac
Game 3376687
Originally posted by malingaI gave the position to Crafty, and the answer appears to be not enough. After 12. Bxh7+ Crafty rates the position at -1.79. White is about to lose a bishop but has two pawns. Without light square control I think it's hard to play f4 and connect the kingside pawns and if there was a forced checkmate after 12. Bxh7 Crafty would have found it. Even ignoring the material addition after 12. Bxf7+ white is worse because the e pawn can't be protected without drastically compromising the white king. 12. Bf4 leaves white with an advantage (+0.69 at 14 ply according to Crafty). Having said all that 12. Bxh7+ did win the game.
sorry, but what did you have if he captured Kxh7. i see nothing past a check and a lost bishop...
Originally posted by DeepThoughtGood ol Crafty eh.
I gave the position to Crafty, and the answer appears to be not enough. After 12. Bxh7+ Crafty rates the position at -1.79. White is about to lose a bishop but has two pawns. Without light square control I think it's hard to play f4 and connect the kingside pawns and if there was a forced checkmate after 12. Bxh7 Crafty would have found it. Even igno ...[text shortened]... ntage (+0.69 at 14 ply according to Crafty). Having said all that 12. Bxh7+ did win the game.
As has been said here before to checkmate in under 20 will normally involved a mistake. This game though involved a mistake by the winning player which actually won the game!
from Fried Liver Tournament. 7 moves played on top of themed 6 moves still qualifies I reckon.
Game 3385794
Originally posted by therealchessfanaticWell played!
sorry to bump this but this may be a one off for me
Game 3440921
Bringing out your queen that early is risky, but you pulled it off pretty well. 🙂
This was a super victory against a reasonable player in a grudge clan matchup
Game 3343401
An easy win
Game 3232930
and an unexpected telegraphed win
Game 3417110