Originally posted by GrandmousterWhen I see a word I do not understand, I look it up. This rarely happens with chess books, as they employ a more limited vocabulary than Country music.
about the worst books....
How many people here use a dictionary when studing books?
I mean look up any words they dont fully understand.
This can help tremediously when reading long winded, and boring comentary
Originally posted by WulebgrYou only need to come across one word you dont understand to make the whole book confusing.
When I see a word I do not understand, I look it up. This rarely happens with chess books, as they employ a more limited vocabulary than Country music.
For instance, i was reading a book a while ago, and the author said: "this position is still tenable"
Now im sure a lot of people know what this means, but i was unsure. Once i looked up the meaning, i saw that tenable, means able to defend.
Now that makes a lot of sense!
There are a lot of words in every chess book. Im sure there are some not everyone will know.
Originally posted by GrandmousterI couldn't find some of these words in my dictionary. I presume you mean "juvenile miscreant". Also "I" and "it's". I think "denizens" is better than inhabitants in this context. But ignore me, I'm being Bowmann-esque.
Very easy to try to ridicule people in cyber space. At first i was miffed, but realized its just a juvinile miscreat trying to rile the inhabitants of this site.
sorry, but it wont work....