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Originally posted by Bluecristallknight
HM,....NO it is NOT! I Hate what the Nazis have done and I also hate it that people still thinkin' of us germans still being Nazis. I am against Anti-semitism and all kind of discrimination like that.
That's good news. Sorry if the question upset you. Frankly, I didn't notice that you were German. I saw the name Cristalnight and immediately thought of the events from 1936.

Enjoy your games here.

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Originally posted by Red Night
That's good news....
There is nothing 'new' about this other than in a twisted brain.

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Originally posted by Mephisto2
There is nothing 'new' about this other than in a twisted brain.
I have to say, after RN pointed it out it looked that way to me too

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Originally posted by Mad Mac MacMad
I have to say, after RN pointed it out it looked that way to me too
Exactly. That's how propaganda works.

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Originally posted by Bluecristallknight
The name refers to Knight which is a figure in chess nothing more the cristall in front of it doesn't refer to the "Reichskristallnacht" and I really don't like it that we are still considered to be Nazis. There may be some people who are but these exist in other countries as well. I wasn't even born when Hitler and the Nazis started their cruel and stupid anti-semitism.
Any intelligent person will not associate you with this evil simply because of a (strange) misinterpretation of your username. Funnily enough I dont advocate a society without democratic accountability!

As for he mocking lessons from Korch - maybe it is the way you played the opening? Korch seems to handle it OK 🙂

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Originally posted by Kaworukun
Dont take advice from Kotch. I played the Lativan gambit and lost badly. I want a refunded for all the lessions I bought off him. 😛
But do take advice from your English teacher

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Originally posted by Kaworukun
Dont take advice from Kotch. I played the Lativan gambit and lost badly. I want a refunded for all the lessions I bought off him. 😛
I don`t feel guilty that you don`t understand The Latvian Gambit.

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Originally posted by Korch
I don`t feel guilty that you don`t understand The Latvian Gambit.

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Originally posted by Dutch Defense
shut up loser.....😀

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any here want to play me a 1 day game ??😀

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