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was briefly a member of chess.com, very intrusive ads, and tried to download a virus to my pc, twice, in the end microsoft were warning about the site being hazardous tou your PC health.

I left and never re-visited

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I've been a member there almost since the beginning, and a paying member most of the time. I canceled my paying membership here because I prefer the other site.

The site design is well thought through.

No other site's forums are as open as RHP with respect to mentioning other sites, but the other site tolerates personal abuse, and I know people that have quit there on account of it. Come to think of it, I've gotten away with abusing some ignorant posters here (see Spirituality Forum).

I should add that for non-paying members, I find the ads here more intrusive than the other site, but neither are as bad as GK (a true rubbish site).

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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
Is you computer hot to the touch when this happens? Or is it a software thing..?
I am thinking it's a software thing, probably something subtle wrong with XP. I think that because I got the same thing from a completely different brand computer (Dell vs an HP which I am using now) which I loaded the same OS (same CD, not just another OEM from Best Buy). I think there is a temperature readout you can access, wonder if there is a way to monitor it while I play blitz? Not sure what temperature the computer would glitch at either. 100 C? Not sure. Worth a shot though.

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Chess.com has pop-up ads which get around Firefox's pop-up blocker. People have complained about this on their forums, but Chess.com haven't responded.

Sure, you can use something like AdBlock to stop this, but I think it's a sleazy practice.

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
The site design is well thought through.
interesting. I thought it was the most confusing ad-hoc mess I've seen in years.

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I can't hate, but I'm biased. This popup told me yesterday that I was the 100,000th person to visit the site.

I'm a part of history.

That chess mentor is pretty fun to play on, or at least the free trial is.

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Originally posted by wormwood
interesting. I thought it was the most confusing ad-hoc mess I've seen in years.
Clearly there are many chess sites that you haven't been to.

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I'm an EXPERT on chess.com I started there only a FEW months after it came online and SPENT several years there as the resident "troll" cheater_1. ALthough I DISPUTE the term "troll", I posted ONLY posts that were thought provoking, emotionally charged, divisive, and challenging.

I became "friends" with the owner, ERIK ALLEBEST. He gave me free reign to push the limits, to get people INTERESTED in his fledgling site. He also has lifetime banned me after I became publically critical of his site and refused to pay for a subscription.

The main FOCUS on the site is to make ERIK money. It is not about chess. Woe to those who don't pay to play. Pop up ads assault you every few minutes, filling the screen. Emails barrage your inbox asking you TO PAY for a subscription every day. The site is difficult to navigate because they feel the more STUFF they can cram into it, the better it will be.

The average age is approx. 14. Topics run the gamut from "Who was better, Kasparov or Fischer?", or "Who's your favorite player?", or "What is your favorite color to play?" Substanceless drivel like that on a daily basis.

Favoritism abounds. I watched PEOPLE get banned for the most nonsensical things if they were a FREE player, while the DIAMOND members could spout off without fear of banishment. Erik loves to flex his muscle and showboat and BANS people at will. He obviously never understood the mantra that great leaders are seldom seen or heard.

Lots of people at that site (1 million+) from ALL over the world interested in the SAME thing: chess. Conversations are rarely boring. It's visually MUCH more appealing than this stripped DOWN site. Other than that, the program CHESSMASTER is still the way to go if you're interested in chess.

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