Originally posted by WulebgrI haven't really gone over the Capa game much and I will but right now, I don't like some of his move later on in the game from this position.
I've been following the games--yours and Capa's--but will hold my tongue until you are finished. One of you, Oscar and RK, will find a novelty and we'll see how it goes from there.
Originally posted by WulebgrIf there's a lot of games then I put a minimum rating on there so I only take the top games. It's hard for the games where the rating system was no used yet for db purposes, before 1997's or something all those 0 ratings you see.
How do you use your database?
Look throught the games and pick out ideas. If the opponent deviated in my game, then I look at the db games and figure out from then what to play against him. You get some great ideas sometimes.
Originally posted by RahimKI created an opening book from games 2001-2006 where at least one player is over 2200. The percentages offer information that I can use, but I do not follow them blindly. When there is a significant percentage difference from move to move, I research the difference by looking at key games. I use this book and other similar resources in a small percentage of correspondence games: ~20%.
If there's a lot of games then I put a minimum rating on there so I only take the top games. It's hard for the games where the rating system was no used yet for db purposes, before 1997's or something all those 0 ratings you see.
Look throught the games and pick out ideas. If the opponent deviated in my game, then I look at the db games and figure out from then what to play against him. You get some great ideas sometimes.
Originally posted by WulebgrI just have fritz and it's db is very limited. So I use some online sites and put in a minum rating search games, say I get 200.
I created an opening book from games 2001-2006 where at least one player is over 2200. The percentages offer information that I can use, but I do not follow them blindly. When there is a significant percentage difference from move to move, I research the difference by looking at key games. I use this book and other similar resources in a small percentage of correspondence games: ~20%.
Then I play a move and hit search again. Say Nf3, 125 hits.
Try a different move Nh3, 50 hits, Nc3 25 hits.
So I got with Nf3 since it has the most hits. I don't really look at the results unless if the number of games is very small.
I figure if in X number of games, this move was played the most, it must be good.
I know new games are good, but sometimes even old games are great. Like say of old gm's or maybe some top GM nowdays played that same position before 2000. I still want that game included in my search.
O and before I do all this, I pick a move that I would play, and then check in db and if it's different I figure out why I was wrong and then play the db move. I used to write it in the notebook, 10.Nf3 I picked, so if I go over the game after I can see where I picked a different move. I don't do this now much, just in my head I guess. The notebook is very limited in space.
Originally posted by WulebgrI've got a pruned database I've culled from TWIC and a few other sources and then edited myself to remove any misleading games. This contains only good players playing other good players at classical timecontrols.
How do you use your database?
I use this database for most of my opening analysis.
I also have an extended database with many more games but I can't trust them to be good quality games. I use this occasionally.
As well as my databases I have some opening surveys from various sources that I use as well.
Capa Game:
[Event "Buenos Aires casual"]
[Site "Buenos Aires"]
[Date "1914.08.??"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Capablanca,Jose Raul"]
[Black "Molina Carranza,Lis"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Eco "C87"]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 0-0 7.Bxc6 dxc6 8.Nxe5 Bd6
9.Nf3 Bf4 10.d3 Nh5 11.Bxf4 Nxf4 12.Nbd2 Qf6 13.Nc4 b5 14.Nce5 c5 15.c3 Qh6 16.g3 Nh3+
17.Kg2 f6 18.Nc6 Bg4 19.Ne7+ Kh8 20.Nf5 Qh5 21.Re3 Rae8 22.N5h4 g5 23.Nf5 Re5 24.d4 Nf4+
25.gxf4 Rxf5 26.exf5 gxf4 27.Rd3 Rg8 28.Kf1 c4 29.Ne1 Bxd1 30.Rdxd1 Qxh2 31.Ke2 Re8+ 32.Kf3 Qh1+
My game:
I could have fast fowarded several moves ahead and started using an engine but it's cheating. Perfect example of what we are talking about DF.