"Oh! this opponent, this collaborator against his will, whose notion of Beauty always differs from yours and whose means (strength, imagination, technique) are often too limited to help you effectively! What torment, to have your thinking and your phantasy tied down by another person!"
Alexander Alekhine, foreword to Mes Problèmes et études d'échecs, Fred. Lazard, 1929
* "A wood-pusher overlooks the ranks." -- RUSSIAN SAYING
* "The hardest game to win is a won game." -- Em. LASKER
" Actually, the hardest game to win is a lost game." -- Dr.Dave
* "There just isn't enough televised chess." -- LETTERMAN
* "Some part of a mistake is always correct." -- TARTAKOVER
* "Pawn endings are to chess what putting is to golf." -- PURDY
* "There is no remorse like the remorse of chess." -- H.G.WELLS
* "You can't play chess if you're groggy from pills." -- KARPOV
* "All chess masters can play one game blindfolded." -- KOLTANOWSKI
* "When the going gets tactical, the computers get going." -- HYATT
* "Morphy was probably the greatest genius of them all." -- FISCHER
* "No price is too great for the scalp of the enemy King." -- KOBLENTZ
* "There are two types of sacrifices: correct ones and mine." -- TAL
* "You cannot play at chess if you are kind-hearted." -- FRENCH PROVERB
* "The life of the American chess master is a `vale of tears'." -- FRIAS
* "Fame, I have already. Now I need the money." -- an elderly STEINITZ
* "It's always better to sacrifice your opponent's men." -- TARTAKOVER
* "An isolated Pawn spreads gloom all over the chessboard." -- TARTAKOVER
* "The first principle of attack--Don't let the opponent develop!" -- FINE
* "When you see a good move--wait--look for a better one." -- Em. LASKER
* "Chess is played with the mind and not with the hands!" -- RENAUD and KAHN
* "Creating an undesired stalemate is the height of stupidity." -- ANONYMOUS
* "To avoid losing a piece, many a person has lost the game." -- TARTAKOVER
* "The blunders are all there on the board, waiting to be made." -- TARTAKOVER
* "On the chess-board lies and hypocrisy do not survive long." -- Em. LASKER
* "I think it's almost definite that the game is a draw theoretically." -- FISCHER
"The delight in gambits is a sign of chess youth... In very much the same way as the young man, on reaching his manhood years, lays aside the Indian stories and stories of adventure, and turns to the psychological novel, we with maturing experience leave off gambit playing and become interested in the less vivacious but withal more forceful manoeuvres of the position player."
-- Emanuel LASKER
"Nimzovitch became then for me more or less the author of the only book which could help me get away from these Euwe books, which, I admit, are very good for the ordinary club player. But once you've reached a certain strength you get the impression that everything that Euwe writes is a lie."
-- Bent LARSEN, in KEENE, Nimzowitsch: a reappraisal.