Originally posted by richjohnsonb5 costs too much time. He plays Bb4 and we're forced to play Kf8. Then we're completely tied up.
If ...Bc8, how does black respond to Ba4?
playing ...b5 first prevents white from attacking the rook.
I vote for Bc8
After Ba4 we play Nd5. I don't think he'll move the same piece twice right after eachother.
Originally posted by ShinidokiI learnt not to follow this strategy again !
i'd say it is "positionally" lost....It might take 20 moves for the win but i'm sure it will come as chessmaster slowly squeezes and make his bishop duo useful....
but, that doesn't mean the game is pointless to continue, remember, the main objective wasn't to win but learn
Why not to surrender and play another game ???
this is lost , if we follow its just to see a slow agony ...
its 0-1
I don't understand why it is lost, all of a sudden. We're up a pawn, we have an inferior position, but I showed a small combination (Bc8-Be6) that can free us in exchange for one pawn. We certainly have chances to draw.
GM Timman resigned a few times in games where his position seemed lost, but in fact he had a won position.
Originally posted by ShinidokiBut why would chess master just leave a pawn for the taking? It must have some plan like maybe pushing the e pawn or something.
Looking at that I think we only have one option, and that is Exd3 (e.p.) otherwise 10-20 moves down the line I can see the d and e pawns marching to be become Big bad Queens....{if we don't take i think e4 will become very vunerable...}