Originally posted by kmac27You mean you´ve been around for 3 years and still haven´t been bitched at for taking a skull?
why feel guilty when your opponent isn't losing? If you arranged that they would be away for a while after 30 days I would easily take the skull. They obviously wont take it too personal or shouldn't take it too personal if they were doing other business than taking care of their games for an extended period of time. Free points why not?
Originally posted by MilkyJoeI once reinstated a game for a player that lost on time because he had to be hospitalized. I guess I would not claim the win unless I noticed that the player was playing moves in other games.
Would you claim the win against one of the top players, or somebody significantly higher rated than you, even if they told you beforehand that they would be away for a while?
I would claim a timeout at my discretion. All depends on how well I know the person, or if the game was so interesting that I would like to see the outcome.
I never ask people not to time me out, as I don't like them to feel obligated to not claiming the skull. I feel it is my responsibility to manage my games so I don't get into a situation where I can get timed out. I expect other people to manage their games the same way.
If an emergency situation was to arise where I cannot play my games for some reason, I wouldn't consider not getting timed out to be such a high priority anyway. I would hope that other people will have the same priorities.
Originally posted by MilkyJoeThat's a difficult one, but my answer would be yes. My policy is to give one warning. After 48 hrs I click on skulls. Time limits are put in place for a reason, I respect these limits, other players should as well. (Even the top rated one's)
Would you claim the win against one of the top players, or somebody significantly higher rated than you, even if they told you beforehand that they would be away for a while?
Everyone knows my opinion in the matter. A note in my profile says it. Noone should be surprised if I timed them out.
This makes it easy to me. There are three possibilities. Always skull. Never skull. Sometimes skull. The third possibility gives me problems. When to, or when not to. What will be the criteria?
So I've made the decision. Always skull.
If he is a top player? Always skull.
If it is a female player? Always skull.
If he is young player? Always skull.
If he is Swedish (as I am)? Always skull.
All of the above? Always skull.
I treat these games as I would OTB games.
If my opponents flag fell I would not offer him another 5 minutes.
Click the skull and move on.
Either that or abolish time controls altogether. What's the point of having them?
If it transpires that your opponent has been in hospital, prison,
getting married or off exploring darkest Africa.
Then you can offer to play him again from the set position before
he was skulled.
(set up games are not graded so the answer will most likely be no).
That's is where they disappear to. Darkest Africa.
There is witch doctor there called Sumba the Mumba.
Pay him six shrunken heads and the tooth from a dead lion and
he will give you the winning move in your game.
Russ has been trying for years to get him to stop it.
Last year he and his Mods went to Africa to capture him.
It was on that trip that Korch accidently shot Northern Lad in the toe.
They have been squabbling ever since.
Don't tell me you never knew this?
(nice icon)