Originally posted by xpointalimI'm recc-ing that because while it isn't exactly fair, it's indubitably true that all Sicilian players should receive a roundhouse kick in the balls.
sicilian is for queers
whoever came up with the names najdorf and dragon deserves a roundhouse kick in the balls, if they even have any
Originally posted by tomtom232Are you high on crack or something? The Najdorf is one of the most complex sicilians there is, not to mention the abundance of theory one needs to know because it is played so frequently in master games.
Well you wanted a good defence against e4 and I gave you one and it isn't that hard to play after you play it a couple of times. just make sure you play unrated games with it first.
"it isn't that hard to play after you play it a couple of times" ffffsssssss