I always try to say at least something to my opponent if I'm playing as White - it's only polite to do so and it does no harm. If I'm playing as Black then I respond to pleasantries if made and get on with it if not.
I also tend to chatter idly throughout games if my opponent shows signs of having a personality...
I don't know why but it comforts me to banter - I can think I'm playing a real person rather than a faceless, nondescript entity. Or a machine...
When I play Blitz I tend to converse too. Maybe I'd play better if I didn't haha Having said that I've only lost twice all night on Blitz today - a record for me, I even beat a guy whose rating has topped 2000!
Now hang on while I sit down to contemplate that unlikely career best result 😉
Sometimes I say hi, sometimes I don't - I always try to reply.
If it's a challenge game (Not a clan challenge, but somebody messaging me for a game..) then I almost always say something whether they did or not. If it's a clan/tourney game I usually don't - especially with tournaments I have many moves to make and don't need to waste time or be distracted.
Originally posted by ivan2908Naw -- in this impersonal age of the Internet, unless it's a tournament game or a Clan game, I don't wish my opponent luck or even bother with a "hello." However, if they offer a greeting first, I always acknowledge it and wish them the same.
when you say to your opponent "I wish you good luck" or "Hello" or Thanks for the game and he doesn't reply nothing like you are some trash? And he knows English very well..?
I do not have habit to be annoying but simply say Hello, but is not accepted well generally. Of course I am NOT speaking about blitz games.