Originally posted by 7ate9In my view the king is needed on the Q-side to promote tha b-pawn.But I'm not sure that's the best plan hence why I was asking.
do you mean move the king to the pawn on the B-file? what would this achieve?
...also how was i meant to get the rook behind the pawns? i was always wanting to do this quickly, but had trouble achieveing it.
Originally posted by 7ate9Generally not a good idea to take the king backwards.
my end game sux! i just played a game where i got a bit lost. any help on how to approach the end games better would be appreciated... from about move 40. thanxs.
Game 2332520
Spilting the P really made no difference as the game was won.
Using your R you could have forced his K out of play then pushed the 2 passed Ps supported by your K. He had no way of stopping them..