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Endgame challenge

Endgame challenge

Only Chess

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Originally posted by tomtom232
I was either writing this before you changed it or while you were changing it. and my nuts aren't numb because if they were I wouldn't be arguing with you I'd be at the doctor hoping I can still have kids.

fair enough, scratch the numbnuts remark
does Kc5 give the same result as a6?

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
fair enough, scratch the numbnuts remark
does Kc5 give the same result as a6?
nope black moves between e2 and f2. Bh4+ leads to the same thing that happened when you played Kb4 which I just noticed is actually a blunder.

Kc5?? and Kb4?? are out of there.

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Originally posted by tomtom232
nope black moves between e2 and f2. Bh4+ leads to the same thing that happened when you played Kb4 which I just noticed is actually a blunder.

Kc5?? and Kb4?? are out of there.
Kb4 is not a blunder, because it does not lose the game, just draws.

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
Kb4 is not a blunder, because it does not lose the game, just draws.
but that is opinion. Is drawing a forced win a blunder?

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Originally posted by tomtom232
but that is opinion. Is drawing a forced win a blunder?
no, it only deserves one ?
?? signifies that it (should) lose the game on the spot, or that you hung your queen, or something significantly horrible like that.
I don't think any move that ends with a forced draw should be a blunder... its just obviously not best.

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Originally posted by ih8sens
This is interesting... just For everyone's info.. Ka6 wins..

I think it's the only win too... maybe not.

1. Ka6 Ke1 2. Ba5 Kd1 3. Bb4 Kc1 4. Ba3+ Kd1 5. Bb5 Ke1 6. Bb4 Kd1 7. Bd3 Kc1 8. Ba3+ Kd1 9. Kb5 Ke1 Bb4 Kd1 11. Kc4 Ke1 12. Kd4 Kd1 13. Ke3 Kc1 14. Bxd2+ Kd1 15. Bc3 Kc1 16. Be4 Kd1 17. Kd3 Kc1 18. Bd5 Kb1 19. Be5
Kc ...[text shortened]... . Fritz should 🙂. I just found the first move.. which, in my defense is the hardest one 🙂.
This position was one of those in a collection of Iola Jones from http://wwwu.uni-klu.ac.at/gossimit/c/tactic.htm.

1.Ka6 is given as the only winning move for white.

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Originally posted by tomtom232
Is drawing a forced win a blunder?

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
Thats what thought but apparently not rubberjaw. maybe its because hes distracted by his jaw that is made out of rubber. 😉

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Originally posted by tomtom232
Thats what thought but apparently not rubberjaw. maybe its because hes distracted by his jaw that is made out of rubber. 😉
failed attempt number 536 for trying to accurately insult my username.

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
failed attempt number 536 for trying to accurately insult my username.
I sat there for a couple of minutes trying to find a good one but this was the best I came up with. Eventually I will come up with a good one.

😛 🙄

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Originally posted by tomtom232
I sat there for a couple of minutes trying to find a good one but this was the best I came up with. Eventually I will come up with a good one.

😛 🙄
that's what numbers one through 535 said as well, obviously, they didn't get it right either.

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Originally posted by tomtom232
Thats what thought but apparently not rubberjaw. maybe its because hes distracted by his jaw that is made out of rubber. 😉
try beating louder

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
try beating louder

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Originally posted by rubberjaw30
tom-tom (tŏm'tŏm'😉 pronunciation also tam-tam (tŭm'tŭm', tăm'tăm'😉

1. Any of various small-headed drums, usually long and narrow, that are beaten with the hands.
2. A monotonous rhythmical drumbeat or similar sound.

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