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Enjoyment Balance

Enjoyment Balance

Only Chess


@cheesemaster said
What if it dominates my life and I ALWAYS find joy in it?
Then you are playing the game and the game is not playing you, or is it?

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@deepthought said
Then you are playing the game and the game is not playing you, or is it?
Exactly! If you enjoy what you are doing then you are doing it right.

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@cheesemaster said
What if it dominates my life and I ALWAYS find joy in it?
Then you occupy a higher level of existence - it's a delightful buffer against the common garbage can of life, is it not? 🙂

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Yes, yes it is.

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I tried playing a 30 minute game. My opponent had lost his queen and a knight with over 20 minutes left on the click. He asked for a draw twice, the quit playing all together.

I have two bishops, two rooks to his knight. Still waiting, 7 minutes left on the clock.

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What site is it your are playing?

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If I put the name I get an auto notification.

It is chess then the number of hours in a day.

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I play there too under a different name.
Good site but they inflate your rating to make you feel good.
200 point inflation.


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@cheesemaster said
I play there too under a different name.
Good site but they inflate your rating to make you feel good.
200 point inflation.

My 10 min rating or about the same as here. It fluctuates between high 1600s to 1300s. Usually it is 1500ish.

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1650 here.
1850 there with hundreds of 10 minute games.

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