Originally posted by Nowakowski20...Rh6 seems ok imo
Not the latest - but one worth a look anyway.
[pgn][Event "Clan league"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2010.01.06"]
[EndDate "2010.02.13"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Nowakowski"]
[Black "KnightStalker47"]
[WhiteRating "1363"]
[BlackRating "1795"]
[WhiteELO "1363"]
[BlackELO "1795"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "7047795"]
1. d4 Ng8f6 2. c4 e ...[text shortened]... 30. Bb2xg7 Kh8xg7 31. Rc7xd7 Kg7h8 32. Qe6f6 Kh8g8 33. Qf6g7 1-0[/pgn]
here is also not the latest, but a game I wanted to make a thread out of, too: when suddenly a strong attack changes into a destructive counter-attack. I wrote some annotations in simple style, hope you like it. Have no time now, I will finish annotation later. Happy about your comments, of course!
[Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2010.12.01"]
[EndDate "2011.03.09"]
[Round "?"]
[White "NicklasPersson"]
[Black "dikankan"]
[WhiteRating "1663"]
[BlackRating "2050"]
[WhiteELO "1663"]
[BlackELO "2050"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "7975134"]
1. e4 Ng8f6 2. e5 Nf6d5 3. d4 d6 4. Ng1f3 Bc8g4 5. Bf1e2 e6 6. O-O c6 7. c4 Nd5c7 8. Nb1c3 d5 9. c5 Bf8e7 10. h3 Bg4h5 11. Nf3h2 Bh5xe2 12. Nc3xe2 Nb8d7 13. Qd1d3 b6 14. Qd3g3 g6 15. cxb6 axb6 16. Nh2g4 h5 17. Ng4h2 c5 18. Nh2f3 Nc7b5 19. a4 Nb5xd4 20. Ne2xd4 cxd4 21. Nf3xd4 Ra8c8 22. Nd4xe6 fxe6 23. Qg3xg6 Ke8f8 24. Bc1h6 Rh8xh6 25. Qg6xh6 Kf8g8 26. Qh6xe6 Kg8g7 27. Qe6xd5 Rc8c5 28. Qd5d4 Nd7xe5 29. Rf1d1 Qd8xd4 30. Rd1xd4 Rc5c2 31. Rd4d5 Be7f6 32. a5 bxa5 33. Ra1xa5 Ne5c6 34. Ra5c5 Rc2xc5 35. Rd5xc5 Nc6e5 36. b4 Ne5d3 37. Rc5c7 Kg7g6 38. b5 Kg6f5 39. b6 Bf6e5 40. Rc7c4 Kf5e6 41. b7 Ke6d7 42. Rc4c8 1-0
Originally posted by ketchuploverAs I would then have been able to get the rooks off and promote that pawn straightaway, you are undoubtedly correct. In fact, there are several more spots where I could have won much more easily, apart from the one halfway through where I should've lost it. But hey, I won in the end... (Yeah, I know, that attitude is part of why I don't win more.)
58.Rf7+ is quicker imo
I finished this one about a week ago. I don't have that many Slav games under my belt yet, and I failed to sence the danger of 8 a4. I lost the rook and the right to castle defending. After 14 Rxa8 I had planned to capture the queen bishop and play on with two pieces for a rook, but then I noticed the uncastled king. The game finally ended after my opponent had failed to notice that his king was on the same diagonal as my "unprotected" queen bishop pawn.
This one is a week older, against the same opponent. A Scandinavian defense, and again an uncastled king offered me some opportunities. 8...e6 seems natural enough, but gave me the opportunity to lunge forward with d5. He resigned after 13 Bb5+ when 13...Kd8 14 Re8++.
Don't forget to castle, amigos.
Here a game I finshed recently and was very proud of.
I got nothing out of the opening but thought it would be a good idea to open the game since his knight is on a5 and my pieces are nicely coordinated. Going for a kingside attack was my only option.
I saw 25. Nd7 and went for the sacs, he played the best defense after Rdxe6 but I was already winning.