Originally posted by greenpawn34sorry for not giving diagram before. meant this with 5... Bg4 ?
Perhaps Bg4 pinning the Knight then shut your eyes and play f4.
(exact timing and thorough analysis has always been my weak point.
If it 'feels right' play it. It would certainly bring things to a head. Game On.)
I get the point of getting the bishop out of blacks pawn chain, but as I see 6. Bd2, it would be an exchange, no? Or is this then a good idea? since i understand more or less (the feeling of) 5... e5 instead of 5... e6, the twice referred bishop move is still not clear... it is a development move, but it feels so...dont know how to say. short lived...
edit: yeah, first successful FEN post.
Originally posted by tharkeshI'd say the trade wouldn't be so bad especially if white castles kingside. The dark squares over there are very week after a trade plus if you want ...e6 then your dark square bishop is now gone and you don't have to stress over getting it to a good square.
sorry for not giving diagram before. meant this with 5... Bg4 ?
[fen]RNBQKBNR/2P2P1P/PP1PP1P1/8/2pp4/2n2n2/pp2pppp/r1bqkb1r b - - 0 5 [/fen]
I get the point of getting the bishop out of blacks pawn chain, but as I see 6. Bd2, it would be an exchange, no? Or is this then a good idea? since i understand more or less (the feeling of) 5... e5 instead of 5 ...[text shortened]... but it feels so...dont know how to say. short lived...
edit: yeah, first successful FEN post.
Originally posted by tharkeshMaybe a successful fen post, but not quite the position you wanted. 🙂
edit: yeah, first successful FEN post.
Your fen was this:
RNBQKBNR/2P2P1P/PP1PP1P1/8/2pp4/2n2n2/pp2pppp/r1bqkb1r b - - 0 5
It needed to be this:
r1bqkb1r/pp2pppp/2n2n2/2pp4/8/PP1PP1P1/2P2P1P/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 5
Like this:
I think in the above game I would prefer (as long as white is going to allow it) black playing the pawn to c5 before placing the knight to c6. Heck, it white allows it get b5 in as well. White will have little space and will be hard pressed to counter the in the center (or anywhere else)- which he better do or eventually get rolled up by blacks pawns with the rooks and minor pirces behind them.