Originally posted by ih8sensdouble the ego, double the fall...it's on like donkey kong! 😛
woah .. a little low... I was 300 points weaker than you when that game was played... I've strengthened considerably since then. Why don't you dig up my first game too if you really want some laughs?
Originally posted by PatzergrlGame 4126549
double the ego, double the fall...it's on like donkey kong! 😛
Donkey kong didn't play the pirc...
Originally posted by ih8senslets just pretend the Pirc never happened, shall we?
Game 4126549
Donkey kong didn't play the pirc...
Originally posted by ih8sensWhat did donkey kong play? I doubt there is a barrel opening -.-
Game 4126549
Donkey kong didn't play the pirc...
Originally posted by ih8sensThe Grob: by Lord Rubber
yah, you refuted it like i refuted the grob against Korch.
The Grob, the Grob
what crap is this?
so ugly, like snob
It has a reek of pi-s
king's knight pawn?
t'was made to be still!
Black may yawn,
but I, I want to kill!
The Grob, The Grob
Korch scared young lad,
the lad was such a snob,
and korch made him look quite bad!
Said boy now thinks,
the grob is lord!
Like a mighty sphinx,
heading a monstrous horde!
The grob is crap,
have no fear.
For Lord Rubber has a trap!
(1. ...) d5 the refute is here!
what will white do?
is resign the best?
I'll have to show you,
and put the Grob to test!
p.s. I have zero poetry history, so don't be too harsh in your criticism.