Originally posted by gambit315 mil would get even bill gates attention I would think. I went to the gothic site and signed up as sonhouse and played the inventor himself. He said he got some casino's interested in the project. Don't see how they would be 15 mil interested, don't see where they would recoup their investment but thats what he claimed. We had a nice chat. I have his email address for his site and will keep you guys in the know. He also said if Fischer turns it down, he has Susan Polgar as a backup, also a good draw. She is BTW, in philly tomorrow for a simul. I saw her play in Allentown when she was about 16, whipping everyone at the simul there, I didn't find out in time to get in. The mayor of Allentown att was into chess and played also.
I thought Fischer stated that he would not play anything but FischerRandom Chess anymore. Guess that was a statement that he will not play standard chess anymore.
This is Ed Trice. I was on the radio program 2 Thursdays ago.
This is not a publicity stunt. If we wanted to do such a thing, we would just have Alexis' legs on the cover of the New York Times.
This match is now 19 months in preparation. Bobby Fischer is interested in Gothic Chess as he has occasional thoughts that Fischer Random Chess merely is a postponement of the middle game. Part of FRC games deal with just re-organizing the pieces onto "acceptable" squares while trying not to lose material.
Bobby feels Gothic Chess offers a "clean slate" -- no openings, tactics are much more important, yet strategic notions still guide the play. In short, he believes the most talented player will win, and he believes this player is none other than himself.
The money is NOT ours. The investors already have a "sure thing" as the worldwide TV studios subscribing to this video feed, pay, on average, $700,000/hour.
The toal revenue from "selling" the match is over $40 million so far. The investors get $25 million back from their $15 million, with 100% security.
They don't care who plays what. Fischer and Karpov could be thumb wrestling, they only care about money. TV stations can bill about $2 million per hour from the commercials they sell during the broadcast. So they make money.
Everybody wins.
So do me the favor and stop telling me this is a hoax. You're talking about my retirement money 🙂
Originally posted by EdTriceYou think there would be that much interest in a chess match? I certainly would be interested but the general public? Does Fischer still have that kind of drawing power? It sure would help the strategy and tactics of Gothic chess for sure! Those two would certainly think up original attacks that no-one else would come up with.
This is Ed Trice. I was on the radio program 2 Thursdays ago.
This is not a publicity stunt. If we wanted to do such a thing, we would just have Alexis' legs on the cover of the New York Times.
This match is now 19 months in preparation. Bobby Fischer is interested in Gothic Chess as he has occasional favor and stop telling me this is a hoax. You're talking about my retirement money 🙂
Originally posted by EdTriceHi Ed,
This is Ed Trice. I was on the radio program 2 Thursdays ago.
This is not a publicity stunt. If we wanted to do such a thing, we would just have Alexis' legs on the cover of the New York Times.
This match is now 19 months in preparation. Bobby Fischer is interested in Gothic Chess as he has occasional ...[text shortened]... favor and stop telling me this is a hoax. You're talking about my retirement money 🙂
I listened to the radio and have tried to support it on here, just wish it was Fischer v one of the Polgars, I think it would be even more newsworthy
Originally posted by sonhouseThe interest is NOT the match, the interest is in the combatants!
You think there would be that much interest in a chess match? I certainly would be interested but the general public? Does Fischer still have that kind of drawing power? It sure would help the strategy and tactics of Gothic chess for sure! Those two would certainly think up original attacks that no-one else would come up with.
Like one of the investors said: "How much money could we make if they only want to play tic-tac-toe?"
The current mentality about "reality shows" has become a factor in the mind of the investors. How many people tuned in waiting for Amorosa to get fired or see someone else get chewed out by Simon on American Idol? It's no longer about the quality of the program, it's about "sell-ability".
Fischer vs. Karpov will sell.
All of the focus group meetings and number crunching over the past year confirm it.
This was a business decision made by people who think like bankers. They would not even put the $15 million in unless we had more than double that in confirmed broadcast contracts. Talk about being conservative!
Originally posted by TurfmoorI think that would be interesting too. I played Susan Polgar some Gothic Chess just on the 14th. She was in Philadelphia.
Hi Ed,
I listened to the radio and have tried to support it on here, just wish it was Fischer v one of the Polgars, I think it would be even more newsworthy
A better look at the board position a few moves later with white to move:
You can see I have Qxd7! and if Bxd7?? Cxd7# is checkmate! But Susan had it all under control:
Qxd7 e5!! and now the piece must be returned as B-anywhere leads to ...Qxd8!
Anyway Susan said she played Bobby 13 years ago when he stayed with their family. He was "very very sharp" according to her.
But a public match "against girls" would probably not be in Bobby's style.
She had 65 boards, she won 64 and had 1 draw, the draw to a 2200+ player!
After her simul, she took a rest at the hotel, and I took her and her manager, Paul Truong, out to dinner. Then we set up the board. I gave her a quick 10 minute lesson on some standard traps, and she immediately took to the game.
We played unclocked:
1. d4 h6 2. Nh3 g6 3. g3 d5 4. Nc3 c6 5. e4 dxe4 6. Bxe4 and here Susan asked: "Pawns are not important in this game?" as she played 6...Qxd4 (I have a video of the game)
I explained to her that with 56 pawns worth of material on the board, being up one pawn was less than a 2% gain, as I played 7. Cd3, which is in the photo. Here is the board at that point:
You can see I have 4 pieces developed, but really 5 are in play since the Queen on d1 stacks with the Chancellor on d3. Susan has the Queen on d4 as the only piece in play. Standard chess thinking would tell you this is worth a pawn, but I managed to lose this game somehow!
7...Qf6 8. Cd8 Ng7 9. Bf4 Nd7 produces the previous diagram.
It looks a fabulous game, I have just downloaded the Gothic Vortex
I am sleep walking to my bed now:
To Ed: Welcome to RHP I know your venture will be a sensation
To RHP: All chess lovers get behind Ed and support him, the Fischer v Karpov match will be exciting and good for ALL forms of chess
Originally posted by leisurelyslothI would just like to say that I wrote a paper on the value of the pieces on boards of any dimension. That is, what is a Rook worth on a 20 x 18 board? Just plug in the board dimensions to my equation, and out comes the answer.
The problem with making the board bigger is that it tends to make the knights much less valuble. I occassionally play this game (as a team game--2 vs. 2) when I'm visiting my family:
It's kind of fun, but the knights are practically worthless and the bishops rule the early game.
BT ...[text shortened]... me ends when you checkmate one of your opponents. It makes for some wild, double attacks! 🙂
Here is the paper
This was published by the International Computer Games Association Journal in 2004.
And you are partially correct, the knights lose about 16% of their value going from 8x8 to 10x8 boards. BUT... knights can threaten everything but pawns, if you think about it, so they have more "delta merit."
They can be quite an annoyance, as this animated movie of a game can show you:
I also won a game without moving any pawns, using just knights and my chancellor, so the knights are not diminished at all in Gothic Chess!
I will see if I can find a link to that game, we have over 1800 in the database now:
Here is one game where the Knights do factor into the game a great deal.
As you replay it, you can see that white is making perfectly plausible moves: striving for control in the center, engaging in trades that seem to move his position forward, all exactly like you would do in chess. After I play 12...Ng4 you can see that I am going directly at the king, perhaps even prematurely. The key move was 17...Cxd4! which allows my Bishop on f5 to be taken next, but it sets up a series of killer strikes as both knights are fully integrated into the attack. One knight is sacrificed 3 moves later, so now black is down 2 minor pieces, yet the momentum cannot be countered. An Archbishop is sarificed next, and a Chancellor and Knight combine to get the white king into the center of the board. Finally, the last knight is dutifully sacrificed, for a mate with the white king in the center of the board on e5, something that you just can't do in regular chess.
This game single-handedly demostrates that a strategic idea, using knights to pry open the king position, combined with deadly tactical play, can lead to some outstanding play that is just missing from the game of chess.
Originally posted by EdTriceWow, a really exciting game, it takes some time to get used to the combined power of the "new" pieces. I guess if white had played 22.Cg3 rather than Kf2 he might have survived a little longer, or not? I haven't got a board yet so struggling in my head.
Here is one game where the Knights do factor into the game a great deal.
As you replay it, you can see that white is making perfectly plausible moves: striving for control in the center, engaging in trades that seem to move his position forward, all exactly like you would do in chess. After ...[text shortened]... y tactical play, can lead to some outstanding play that is just missing from the game of chess.
I would really call players here to give the version of chess a go, it looks fresh and full of tactical ideas