Originally posted by gaychessplayerI agree that the stunt is rude, but the legality is probably a gray area. Technically, nothing prevents a person from walking away from the board with piece in hand. It's simply a move that has been started, but not yet determined. However, you could protest to the TD under the annoying behavior rule. Who knows how a TD would rule? Maybe some would allow it and maybe some wouldn't.
Your stunt is rude and probably illegal. Your opponent has a right to analyze the position at all times with all of the pieces on the board. If you pulled that juvenille stunt with me, I'd refuse to play you again and I would not shake your hand after the game. Take a bit of friendly advice: Grow Up!
If this stunt were pulled on me, my first thought would be that the guy's a jerk. However, I don't think that I'd say anything, as I really believe that the stunt is a disadvantage to the person pulling it. (See my reasons in my earlier post.) I do agree with you that I wouldn't shake his hand after the game.
Refusing to play him again could be problematic if you're paired with him in a future tournament game. What do you do, forfeit the game?If the stunt really irritates you, you should play the game, and protest if the stunt occurs. And if the TD rules against you, then pay the fee to file an appeal to the governing national chess organization.
Originally posted by Mad RookI thought you weren't allowed to leave the board when it was your move?
I agree that the stunt is rude, but the legality is probably a gray area. Technically, nothing prevents a person from walking away from the board with piece in hand. It's simply a move that has been started, but not yet determined.
You are not advised to leave the board on your move as you are wasting your own time but there is no rule as to when you have to be at the board. In fact, I have sometimes played long time control matches in the 4ncl when my opponent and myself are hardly ever at the board at the same time as we both wander around the room while the other has a long think.
Originally posted by TyrannosauruschexI think that one reason that the USCF Rule Book is over 300-pages thick is because of rude and unethical players such as yourself.
I would especially like to do it to somebody who thought their "rights" outweighed mine. It is not illegal, I am a chess organiser in real life so I know these things, I also know something that you dont - some people in my league have got it coming and I am the one to give it.
Not that I'd ever pull a stunt like this, but what does the rule book have to say about picking up a piece, chewing on it while you think - making sure to get a good load of slobber on it - then plonking it back on the board?
I can see the opponent might be reluctant to capture the peice.
Please no comments about other places you can stick chess peices!
Phil, too curious for his own good.
Originally posted by MrPhilYes, you're too curious for your own good.
Not that I'd ever pull a stunt like this, but what does the rule book have to say about picking up a piece, chewing on it while you think - making sure to get a good load of slobber on it - then plonking it back on the board?
I can see the opponent might be reluctant to capture the peice.
Please no comments about other places you can stick chess peices!
Phil, too curious for his own good.