I'm working my way Chess School 3 the manuel of combinations.
It's has a cover that makes you think this is a child's book.
So you might easily dismiss it as such at a bookstall.
see review and cover pic:
It's very good and some them are real stinkers.
I recall this one from the 'easy' section which I think fits in with this thread.
Black to play. It's Karaklajic - Beli 1957.
I saw an idea (1...f6) but dismissed it 'cos it was a trap.
2.Qxe7 Qc8 traps the Queen.
White can play 2.Qe6+ Rf7 forced.
And I thought 1...Qc8 is the same trap without the 2.Qe6+
But that was the answer 1...Qc8 and if 2.Qxe7 f6 traps the Queen.
I felt a bit miffed at this as all the others I had tried have forcing lines.
White is not forced to play 2.Qxe7.
Infact in the game White saw the trap and played 2.Qxc8 and the game was drawn.
(that's how miffed I was - I actually dug out the original game)
It's a cute trap but should unforced traps be in a book of this nature?
And about an hour later when I was mid-solving another one, it hit me.
Black is a pawn up, getting the Queens off is a good move.
It's not a trap. (or is it?).
As I said before - this is a good book and I'm really into it.
Books 1 and 2 are meant to be easier and are for lower graded players
but if the examples are as well chosen as this book then I bet they
are worth studying. Anybody got them?
By the way. If you should get this book Puizzle No.27 is White to
play and not Black, as it states in the book.
I was lucky here because something 'twigged'.
Perhaps it was the Knight and pawns pattern.
It's from a study I had seen before and they are always White to play.
Also Black to play wins easily and ugly with Qh1+
White to play and draw. (the book states, Black to play and draw)
(this is all forced - no traps here.)
Edit: Cimon & Korch the same.....Hmmmm.
I received an email recently from Korch, he is till updating his site
and it is well worth a visit.
Let us look at the evidence:
Korch's last post was on the 27th March - Cimon joined on the 12th April.
Korch has 5 letters, Cimon has 5 letters.
Originally posted by Fat LadyDear Fat Lady
Of course it's Korch! You can't come back with a new ID and then use a word like "demagogy" and expect people not to notice!
I`m sorry to disappoint you, but you`re wrong. In link you have given we can see that there are at least several persons using this word in forums 🙂
Originally posted by CimonMy apologies. I remembered Korch using this word and so Googled it when I spotted it in your message as well. I only looked at the first couple of hits and when they were by Korch I jumped to the wrong conclusion.
Dear Fat Lady
I`m sorry to disappoint you, but you`re wrong. In link you have given we can see that there are at least several persons using this word in forums 🙂
Originally posted by greenpawn34No good dropping it in a box?
[fen]3rkr2/p5pp/2p2q2/1pb1p3/3nQ3/1PP5/P2P1PPP/RNB2RK1 b - - 0 18[/fen]
It's no good dropping it into a box 'cos boxes do not
play or show human traps. (yet).
Haha, we shall see.
In this position Rybka thinks (@14-ply) 1...Qf5 = -.88, 1...Qf4 = -.54, and 1...a5 (3rd choice!) = +.27.
So Rybka thinks 1...a5! isn't too bad. It's objectively not best, but even Topalov plays the Cochrane gambit sometimes(Rybka doesn't like it too much, but would you want to be sitting across from Toppy when he plays Nxf7?)!
And what about white's replies to 1...a5?
Rybka @ 13-ply gives 2.cxd4 = +.45 (Rybka ain't afraid of no ghosts), 2.Ba3 = +.45, and the natural human move 2.Kh1 (3rd choice!) = +.10.
So (hypothetically) I set a trap with 1...a5, Cimon plays 2.Kh1 and the game is still roughly equal, but I got to set a trap and he had to dodge one. I'd definitely feel good about my game. And next time I'm up by almost 9/10ths of a pawn I'll set another trap that if he dodges will make the game roughly equal again because I'd rather trade my advantage in for traps than grind down a 152-move pawn up rook ending that really is just a draw. 😛
Originally posted by Fat LadyMeh...
My apologies. I remembered Korch using this word and so Googled it when I spotted it in your message as well. I only looked at the first couple of hits and when they were by Korch I jumped to the wrong conclusion.
It's gotta be Korch.
Same grammatical style, posts that are often argumentative (but knowledgeable) in nature, posting their blitz victories in Thread 77968
Originally posted by SquelchbelchWhy should I bother to argue with your imagination?
It's gotta be Korch.
Same grammatical style, posts that are often argumentative (but knowledgeable) in nature, posting their blitz victories in Thread 77968