Originally posted by mcreynoldsPretty good, yep, that's a fairly solid solution. Here's the game with some variations added by myself. Qf6 is decent, but I think Qe7 is definitely better.
2 Qxe5+, if 2... Qf6 then 3 Ne8+wins the exchange.
if 2... Nf6 then 3. Qe7+ Kg8 4 Rg3 g5 5. Nf5 threatens mate and the queen.
[Event "Rated game, 20m + 0s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2007.06.20"]
[Round "?"]
[White "CMSMaster"]
[Black "Boru"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E90"]
[WhiteElo "1610"]
[BlackElo "1609"]
[PlyCount "69"]
[EventDate "2007.06.20"]
[TimeControl "1200"]
1. d4 {4} Nf6 {3} 2. c4 {2} d6 {3} 3. Nc3 {1} g6 {6} 4. e4 {1} Bg7 {3} 5. Nf3 {
2} Bg4 {2} 6. Be2 {3} Nbd7 {12} 7. O-O {7} e5 {2} 8. d5 {7} Nc5 {6} 9. h3 {7}
Bxf3 {8} 10. Bxf3 {2} O-O {0} 11. b4 {2} Ncd7 {16} 12. Be3 {2} b6 {2} 13. Qd2 {
2} c5 {3} 14. b5 {4} (14. dxc6 Nb8 15. b5) 14... a6 {47} 15. a4 {3} Ne8 {56}
16. Be2 {4} f5 {2} 17. Bh6 {19} f4 {11} 18. Bxg7 {2} Kxg7 {2} 19. Bg4 {6} Ndf6
{10} 20. Bf3 {18} h6 {26} 21. bxa6 {1} Rxa6 {3} 22. Nb5 {2} Nh7 {28} 23. Ra3 {
48} Ng5 {3} 24. Rfa1 {6} Nf6 {5} 25. Qe1 {51} Nxf3+ {10} 26. Rxf3 {10} Nh7 {17}
27. Rfa3 {9} Qh4 {13} 28. Nxd6 {42} f3 {2} 29. Qc3 {30} fxg2 {9} (29... Qe7 30.
Nb5 Ng5 31. Qd3 fxg2 32. Kxg2) (29... Qf6) 30. Qxe5+ {1} Nf6 {20} (30... Kg8
31. Qg3 Qxg3 32. fxg3 Ng5 33. Kxg2 Rd8 34. e5) (30... Qf6 31. Ne8+ Rxe8 32.
Qxe8 Ng5 33. e5) 31. Qe7+ {23} Kg8 {22} 32. Rg3 {24} g5 {19} 33. Nf5 {3} Rf7 {
40} 34. Qe6 {70} Nxe4 {55} 35. Nxh4 {Boru resigns (Lag: Av=0.55s, max=0.9s) 37
} 1-0
1..fxg2 2. Qxe5+ looks winning for white. For instance:
2..Kg8 3. Qe6+ Kh8 4. Nf7+ looks strong for White. Black can't trade pieces because of the strong central pawns.
2..Nf6 and maybe 3. Rg3, threatening all kinds of silliness.
2..Qf6 is just stupid.
White looks winning, unless I am missing some silly crap somewhere. Oh
2..Rf6 allows the humorous 3. Ne8+, although maybe after Rxe8 Qxe8 Black has something that I missed, it all looks very strong for White though.
Originally posted by !~TONY~!That's the best solution so far, and probably that you'll get - 3.Rg3 is better than my text move, too.
1..fxg2 2. Qxe5+ looks winning for white. For instance:
2..Kg8 3. Qe6+ Kh8 4. Nf7+ looks strong for White. Black can't trade pieces because of the strong central pawns.
2..Nf6 and maybe 3. Rg3, threatening all kinds of silliness.
2..Qf6 is just stupid.
White looks winning, unless I am missing some silly crap somewhere. Oh
2..Rf6 allows the ...[text shortened]... e after Rxe8 Qxe8 Black has something that I missed, it all looks very strong for White though.
After Rf6 2.Ne8+ Kf7 3.Nxf6 Qxf6 white can either exchange queens now with a huge advantage or play 4.Qc7+ with what Fritz says is even more advantage.
Originally posted by cmsMasterBlack trades his king for a knight? 😲
That's the best solution so far, and probably that you'll get - 3.Rg3 is better than my text move, too.
After Rf6 2.Ne8+ Kf7 3.Nxf7 Qxf7 white can either exchange queens now with a huge advantage or play 4.Qc7+ with what Fritz says is even more advantage.