Well Topalov didn't take, he is saying if you want the bishop take it but with the knight, so Kramnik probably won't take because that would start the white king up the ranks and the black king would be stuck in the back. My guess is Kramnik won't take. But, just noticed with the bishop on F2, it attacks the H pawn so maybe kramnik is forced to take, otherwise how will he defent the h pawn. That would leave them with opposite colored bishops which may be leading to a draw. Oops again, the bishop just protects its own pawn not attacking anything.
Originally posted by sonhouseYes, that h pawn is one consideration.... I'm thinking... take the knight, then later f6 & perhaps even Be5...
Well Topalov didn't take, he is saying if you want the bishop take it but with the knight, so Kramnik probably won't take because that would start the white king up the ranks and the black king would be stuck in the back. My guess is Kramnik won't take. But, just noticed with the bishop on F2, it attacks the H pawn so maybe kramnik is forced to take, otherw ...[text shortened]... leading to a draw. Oops again, the bishop just protects its own pawn not attacking anything.
it is a shame this match is coming to a close ... especially given the circumstances ... it is a shame it is not extended - these two players have many good battles ahead - why wait 4 more years - let them fight it out this year !!!
live feed :
K:0hr24 min, T:1hr11min