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Games Explorer Updated

Games Explorer Updated

Only Chess

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quite a nifty wee site - it tells me that in the following position.

30 players under 1400 on here have now played 2...g6 and lost
a Rook to 3.Qxe5+.

Could help you prepare for future opponents, also show you
the success ration for an opening trap.

I'm going to spend many happy hours on here seeing which
opening trap, over 5 moves is the most succesful.

Over 830 have fallen for the 'Fried Liver'.

Thank you Russ & Co. for the update.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34

quite a nifty wee site - it tells me that in the following position.


30 players under 1400 on here have now played 2...g6 and lost
a Rook to 3.Qxe5+.

Could help you prepare for future opponents, also show you
the success ration for an op ...[text shortened]... ful.

Over 830 have fallen for the 'Fried Liver'.

Thank you Russ & Co. for the update.
Absolutely brilliant to see the explorer updated! Thanks Russ!

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
How can you tell it's been updated? What am I missing? (I don't use this, but just looking at the initial screen, I don't see any update info with recent dates.)

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Ha Ha - I just love this game. it's amazing.

I can watch a 'comedy' on the television and not giggle at all.

I happen upon one game on RHP (vis the new explorer).
and I'm poorless with laughter. I really am.

The Scene:

Black falls for the famous trap in the Petroff.
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 Nxe4 4. Qe2 Ng5 .

Now 5.Nd6+ wins the Black Queen.

White misses it, so Black plays 5...d6 forcing White to win the Queen.

Three moves later White himself walks into a King and Queen Knight fork.

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

I've not made it up, it's game Game 5040009.
Cheers lads, sorry for finding it so funny, but this is truly a masterpiece.
and deserved being seen by more players. Thank you.

Edit 1 nearly as funny as me try to post the game.
4th attempt coming up.

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Originally posted by Mad Rook
How can you tell it's been updated? What am I missing? (I don't use this, but just looking at the initial screen, I don't see any update info with recent dates.)
In Site Ideas

We have been chasing this update for a while.
There were very few games on the site before the update.

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Excellent stuff!
For an OTB player using this site mainly to improve opening play, a highly usable & easy to navigate database of your own games is pure gold.
Thanks, Russ 🙂

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Originally posted by Squelchbelch
Excellent stuff!
For an OTB player using this site mainly to improve opening play, a highly usable & easy to navigate database of your own games is pure gold.
Thanks, Russ 🙂
I agree completely.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34

quite a nifty wee site - it tells me that in the following position.


30 players under 1400 on here have now played 2...g6 and lost
a Rook to 3.Qxe5+.

Could help you prepare for future opponents, also show you
the success ration for an op ...[text shortened]... ful.

Over 830 have fallen for the 'Fried Liver'.

Thank you Russ & Co. for the update.
wow, positively ancient noahs ark trap.

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Originally posted by Squelchbelch
Excellent stuff!
For an OTB player using this site mainly to improve opening play, a highly usable & easy to navigate database of your own games is pure gold.
Thanks, Russ 🙂
i'll pass until i get my hands upon greenpawns new book.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34

quite a nifty wee site - it tells me that in the following position.


30 players under 1400 on here have now played 2...g6 and lost
a Rook to 3.Qxe5+.

Could help you prepare for future opponents, also show you
the success ration for an op ...[text shortened]... ful.

Over 830 have fallen for the 'Fried Liver'.

Thank you Russ & Co. for the update.
looks fun

but is it fair?

just wondering, is it fair to use this for getting ideas?

or do we first need to be sure that, as we move further into the line, that the moves in the referenced games have Not been generated by engines, such as the engines of banned players?

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Originally posted by Shamash
looks fun

but is it fair?

just wondering, is it fair to use this for getting ideas?

or do we first need to be sure that, as we move further into the line, that the moves in the referenced games have Not been generated by engines, such as the engines of banned players?
No, you can use it completely worry free.

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That is cool.


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I've noticed as Black well as white I play the most common line so far. at least first 5-6 moves. I always try to play both knights out as black.


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Originally posted by eldragonfly
wow, positively ancient noahs ark trap.

It is not the noahs ark trap - that is a black line of the ruy lopez where he wins a bishop. This 'trap' is more commonly referred to as the terrorist attack - there, I said it, you dont see me shying away from controversial opening names.... I have even played it myself on occasion but once players stopped losing pawns or pieces to it I decided that my queen would be better developed later in the game.

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[gid]6065042 [/gid]

This one was very bad for me. I just could not believe that I fell for it. It was a while back. I know at my level me make stupid blunders but I usually defend well against people playing their Q early. I think it's dumb but people still play Qd8 to h4 on me. What is the proper response? ng1 to f3 ? That is what I play.


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