Originally posted by SamdoggGood work!
Sorry but I thought that you should see this game. This is why you should never resign.Game 959539
I am sorry if it sounds like I m bragging but I thought you all should know never to give up in a game even though you are losing
Here's one where I made I was getting my butt kicked. The situation was hopeless, but I managed to escape from the jaws of death. Sloppy, but I got a win.Game 855705
Originally posted by hahahaaaaFirst thing I would have done on move 34 if I were you opponent; putting a rook near my king and try swapping as much as I possibly could to lower the risks instead of leaving it open like that.
Here's one where I made I was getting my butt kicked. The situation was hopeless, but I managed to escape from the jaws of death. Sloppy, but I got a win.Game 855705
Originally posted by AikoActually on move 34 black should have done Bxf2 check then White would be forced to take it with either the bishop or king, doesn't matter really because next move for white is Qxd1 and there is no checkmate because the queen can just safely get in the white queens way if she trys to check.
First thing I would have done on move 34 if I were you opponent; putting a rook near my king and try swapping as much as I possibly could to lower the risks instead of leaving it open like that.
Originally posted by SamdoggActually, if I take the bishop w/ my queen, I have potential checkmate w/ Queen to a7
Actually on move 34 black should have done Bxf2 check then White would be forced to take it with either the bishop or king, doesn't matter really because next move for white is Qxd1 and there is no checkmate because the queen can just safely get in the white queens way if she trys to check.
i never should have won this one after i lost my rook but it just goes to show you should never resign!
Game 968102
Originally posted by SamdoggAnd the return Game 1013927 where I drop a piece out of the opening.
Sorry but I thought that you should see this game. This is why you should never resign.Game 959539
I am sorry if it sounds like I m bragging but I thought you all should know never to give up in a game even though you are losing
Originally posted by MIODudehere is a similar game for me - except my opponent had the higher rating. I was very happy to win this one, but it came as a surprise.
Here's a game that I was getting beat in by someone a few hundred points lower than me.. but.. one move is sometimes all it takes to breathe a sigh of relief!
Game 873968
Game 874352
To even the score though, one I feel I threw away. I even had a note in my book to keep my opponent in check until I could sort out the threat that I was facing from their queen. I should have resigned sooner to be fair.
Game 874425
Both games from 2005 champs.
Originally posted by SamdoggThis is a good example of why no one should resign,even in desperate positions like this!
Sorry but I thought that you should see this game. This is why you should never resign.Game 959539
I am sorry if it sounds like I m bragging but I thought you all should know never to give up in a game even though you are losing
Game 593564