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Garry Kasparov returns to chess

Garry Kasparov returns to chess

Only Chess


Originally posted by ogb
dream on..Garry is all washed up and doesn't stand a chance against younger players.. Why doesn't he just fade away like all the other ex- ex-ex-ex champions..
When you are old and stroked out, I volunteer to be your caretaker. I hope you like vinegar!

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Originally posted by vandervelde
GK is a turd from Botvinnik's arrs
I presume you prefer Vladimir "KGB" Putin?


Welcome back Mr Kasparov

oops a second loss


lol ho ho hum..WOW big comeback by Kasparov..ROCK BOTTOM after 3 days with only 7 points hahahahah


Originally posted by @steve45
The Master is back. Could he possibly be still on the ball to regain the world title?
He is back but bottom of the table. Not the fairytale comeback.


Not to pile on the old man, but didn't he cheat once against Judit Polgar, caught on camera? Something about an illegal touch move.

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Garry finishes the last day. With 3 wins, one loss and 5 draws.
The tournament finished too early, he was just getting warmed up.

In the after tournament interview, honest and entertaining as always,
he says it was not a comeback but to get publicity for Chess.
It worked, the main site got over one million viewers.

He predicted he would be bad at rapid, the hour was too long and his
concentration after 12 years was bound to wane. In Blitz it was always
going to be a lottery but his two wins today v Nakamura and Caruana were good.

He was pleased with his last win v Dominguez Perez as it was probably
his last Najdorf. So a major comeback is not on the cards.

He was a tad lucky v Caruana but blitz is not Fabiano's forte,
He finished the bottom of the blitz with 5½ from 18 games.
Gary finished 5th on blitz with 9pts. (4 wins, 4 losses and 10 draws).

Here, Caruana to play.

White has 56.Nc5 and it is winning. (56..Nxf6 57.Ne6+).

Caruana missed it.....

Against Nakamura and again with no time left he shunned a draw and found the winning variation.

Here with Kasparov to play. and everyone predicting draw.

33...h6! winning (according to Garry) an important tempo.

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Not bad from Kasparov then managing not to finish last. He did seem a bit rusty though after more than a decade out so we will see what he does next as far as chess is concerned.

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Hi congruent

He said no that was it. He is a $millionaire so money won't tempt him but perhaps
£50,000 appearance fee and given the wildcard spot in the candidates might do it.
But they will have to make that offer soon and give him time to knock himself back
into shape board wise and body wise.

That is not a silly suggestion. Sponsors and organisers will have seen the
record breaking views Garry attracted. His pulling power is massive compared
to the rest of the players and that includes Carlsen.

He predicted he would do badly in the first few days as he was getting rid of the rust.
This was true. But on the last day he lost one game, to Karjakin, the current blitz world
champion. and winner of the blitz section and won or drew the rest. Three of those
wins contain some wonderful chess the highlight for me being the one v Nakamura
(given above) where Gary playing solely on a 3 second delay saw and played h6.

In the after game interview he could understand the fuss as if to say:
"can't you see this is the only winning try in the position."

Despite his, as predicted terrible start, I got the feeling he was not impressed with
this field. 5 of them were not even born when Garry was world champion and yet his
stamina seemed to last the longest.

The next book will be: "My Not So Great Successors."

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Kasparov is named as being Russian-Croatian, has he abandoned politics in Russia? What next for him outside of chess? He might as well return to chess in some capacity.

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