Originally posted by ShinidokiI rejected that because it allowed d5. So how does White mate after
1. Qxg6 hxg6
2. R6d3 d5
I can see a mate where Black has a rook on f7, his king on g8 and White has a rook on h3 - White plays Nxf6+, then after gxf6 Bxf6 and Rh8 next move is mate. However Black has to co-operate for White to get this one!
Here's one of my games which has just finished:
Game 2363698
I've played the Fried Liver countless times and have a 100% record with it. However in this game I tried for the first time 9.a3 rather than the more conservative 9.Qe4. It worked in this game, but it seemed very dangerous - if White doesn't get mate he ends up loads of material down. I think I'll stick to 9.Qe4 in the future.
Originally posted by YUG0slavI have got a game that I am very proud of with a sac in it
Anyone got some good games involving a strong sacrifice?
Here are two of my favorite:
Game 2319944
I've posted that one in another thread already
Game 2353753
That one was full of pawn sacs, starting with the King's Gambit opening, then 11. Qxf3 gambiting by d pawn for more development, and ending with 20. Qf2! where 20. ...Bxc3? is ...[text shortened]... 22. Re7! where the line I had prepared was the forced 22. ...Bd4 23. Qxd4 which wins a bishop
Game 2234427
I don't play the Cochrane Gambit too often, mainly because I usually get my head handed back to me on a plate. This one, though, came together nicely.
Game 2127586
14. ... Qb6 was an attempt at a potentially strong counter-attack but gave back material. 30. ... was a losing move.
Originally posted by Fat Ladyd5 ---- I'm not sure what happens, I'm trying to work it out with crafty, but the darn thing can't see far enough ahead.
I rejected that because it allowed d5. So how does White mate after
1. Qxg6 hxg6
2. R6d3 d5
I can see a mate where Black has a rook on f7, his king on g8 and White has a rook on h3 - White plays Nxf6+, then after gxf6 Bxf6 and Rh8 next move is mate. However Black has to co-operate for White to get this one!
...so, I'll have to get deep posit with Fritz....because after a Quick look, it would appear the sac losses, but i imagine capablanca thought it through.