'Did you start playing in '72 with the Fischer Boom? Or was that only in America?'
No I played a long time before '72 though I did not play in my first
proper chess tournament with clocks and things till January 1972.
I bought my first chess book around about 1964.
Chess Traps and Stratagems by the jolly Rev E. Cunnington.
Your very first chess book most likely sets your style for life. 😉
I've not forgotten this:
It's very good.
Certainly beats getting a jig-saw for a birthday present.
My son got me bright luminous green(!) socks, the wife got
me aftershave (to stop me borrowing hers) 🙂 and my daughter
got me nothing because I moaned all day about getting a poxy jig-saw
for Fathers Day.
The solo Knight mate was actually my first try, only last week
I was showing a lad on here how to mate with a lone Knight.
I recall showing a missed win by some guy on here with a Knight
-v- a Rooks Pawn.
At first I thought I had it in 6 moves.
Then realised Black does not have to play 5...a2.
He can play 5...Ka2 instead.
So here it is with mate in 8 all forced.