Originally posted by SwissGambitYea, sorry... I don't like the mind bogglingly headache ridden - difficult puzzles you
It might not be as fun as a problem with a million short solutions [🙄] but maybe some of our more logically inclined readers will give it a try.
put together - especially those retro analysis puzzles.
Takes alot of time, and I never feel like I've gained once solved. Only silly.
Originally posted by NowakowskiThat! Was! Awesome!
Sorry swiss, that just hurts my head... so many black pawns don't belong on the 2nd
As to the previous position - its solved!!!
1. Rc8+ Kxa7 2. Ra8+ Kxb6 3. Rxa6+ Nxa6 4. Qb5+ Kc7 5. Qd7+ Kb6 6. Qc6+
Ka7 7. Nb5+ Ka8 8. Qxa6 Kb8 9. Qa7#
[pgn][Event "Ridiculousproblem"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2010.02.13"]
[Round "?"]
[White ""]
[B ...[text shortened]... 1. Qxb7+ Bxb7 2. Rcxb7+ Nxb7 3. Ra8+ Kc7 4. Nd5# 1-0[/pgn][/b]