Anyways, to answer the question my games take around a month and a half to play usually, and my maximum game has taken around 3 and a half months. I find I stall just as much on won games as my opponents do on their lost games. They're boring to play and I like to time my victories so as to maximize my rating increase.
I have started to play faster. Because some weeks ago, I have started to pay more attention ti that site and also got subscriber 🙂 I have played in different sites like this but find that sind suiting me the best.
How long time it takes to finish the game? Its depends on opponent - how quitckly he/she making moves and also how strong is he/she - because against weaker opponents I`m playing more fast and more caressly (except situations, when I`m trying to finish that game in most beautiful way). So I cant give definite time. It could be 2 weeks in average.