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How tall is Mr. Kramnik?

How tall is Mr. Kramnik?

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
[fen]r6k/6pp/3N4/8/8/1Q6/8/7K w - - 0 1[/fen]
yes you are correct pawn dude, it was relatively easy to see, a smothered mate if i am not mistaken, but i dont know why it should be more difficult? there is just a natural sequence of moves here which makes it easier.

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Vilhelms Röpke's mate in 6 is a classic:

See how long it takes you to find the correct moves - mate in six.

Now try this mate in one:

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Bottom line, it all depends on the complete position on the board, and we cannot always cope with all difficulties that are offered by the pieces, left and right on the board. Sometimes a small detail on the Kingside decides the complete fate of what happens on the Queenside etc. etc.

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Good positions Heinz.

I love that first one I use it in pubs bet saying I bet I can show you
a mate in 6 that you CAN solve. You try NOT to solve it.

"OK" 🙂

The 2nd one about 25-30 seconds. (No pattern to get hold off.)
Which is a lot longer than Kramnik had to find his mate.

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Good positions Heinz.

I love that first one I use it in pubs bet saying I bet I can show you
a mate in 6 that you CAN solve. You try NOT to solve it.

"OK" 🙂

The 2nd one about 25-30 seconds. (No pattern to get hold off.)
Which is a lot longer than Kramnik had to find his mate.
in the first one nothing can move but the pawns, whites d pawn and blacks b pawn. the second one is too hard for me!

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
the second one is too hard for me!
Please explain how mate in one is trickier than a mate in six? I am really intrigued.

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Originally posted by heinzkat
Please explain how mate in one is trickier than a mate in six? I am really intrigued.
actually i was looking at it from blacks perspective, do you think that it may help if i view it from the other way around? as in Qc2?

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This site has 10 mates in one to be solved.


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Originally posted by greenpawn34
This site has 10 mates in one to be solved.

Those are silly - I got the one above from Mr. Mip's wonderful website.


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these are the type of thing i really struggle with, mate in two with hardly any pieces on the board, no capturing sequences and the king seems to have so many options. they are probable easy for you guys but i would like to know the thought process that you go through, if you would be pleased to offer some comments.

mate in two

mate in two

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
these are the type of thing i really struggle with, mate in two with hardly any pieces on the board, no capturing sequences and the king seems to have so many options. they are probable easy for you guys but i would like to know the thought process that you go through, if you would be pleased to offer some comments.

[fen]8/2Q5/8/8/4k3/1Q6/8/5K2 w - - 0 1[/fen]
mate in two

[fen]1k6/8/8/8/8/8/8/2Q2KBB w - - 0 1[/fen]
mate in two
We were talking about the difficulty of mate in one - mate in two can be incredibly difficult. There is no clear way, you just have to be thorough.

The first one - just try a lot.
The second one - the Black King is stalemated, so give him a move.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
please explain how mate in one is as tricky as mate in eight? i am really intrigued.
This isn't exactly the same, but I had a cold and was playing in a tournament and I missed a mate in one because I saw the mate in 3 first (before I got to the board position) and simply stopped calculating. I noticed it after I had already committed to the other sequence.

I'm sure it was partly to do with the fact that I had stopped looking at extraneous stuff once I saw the win, and I was vaguely annoyed that the other guy played all the way to mate.


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the question remains: how tall is mr.Kramnik?

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Originally posted by orion25
the question remains: how tall is mr.Kramnik?
6'6" (1 meter 98) as in the second reply of the thread 😛

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