Originally posted by KorchYet another GREAT post by Korch. Thanks, Korch, for taking the time to properly correct cheater1's "advice."
Lets quote the most "clever" from your "perls":
[b]First thing, buy the latest version of CHESSMASTER. I could end this topic right here, for there is nothing more to say.
I wonder how great players in past managed to improve when CHESSMASTER was not invented 😛
Don’t waste your time and money with books. Students quickly become bored with t ...[text shortened]... advices how to survive until the endgame.
In few words - you are obvious charlatan.
Somehow, just somehow, I knew it would degenerate into this. I've only been here a month and I can tell that most of you are young, haven't played chess for much more than a few years, and angry. I'd HONESTLY wager $10,000 of my worthless American dollars that I could checkmate ANYONE who has posted in this forum, in a OTB game of 40/120.
You people are so dang predictable. Let's have some fun. As a DANG good chessplayer myself, I am gifted with FORESIGHT. Allow me to show you how YOU (the people who cant seem to get angry enough at my posts) would act if I were to post the following (the names of YOU ALL have been changed to protect the guilty):
cheater_1: Hello everyone, it sure is a nice day today. Chess is the greatest game on the planet, isn't it? I practice 3 hours a day, everyday. Bobby Fischer was my favorite player. I prefer to play with the black chess pieces and like the english opening the best. Someday I hope to be a GM.
FLAMER #1 Hey cheater, it is not a nice day, it's raining outside. Get the &%$# out of here.
TROLL #1: Chess is a great game, but not the greatest, you LIAR. All you do is LIE. WHy are you wasting my time with lies?
FLAMER #2: You'll never be a GM. You have no clue about chess. You should be banned.
TROLL #2: FIrst off, it is ludicrous to suggest it is a nice day, that is purely subjective. Second, you obviously do not practice 3 hours a day, you havent even played one game here, another LIE. Third, BObby Fischer never played chess, Bobby Fischer was a ping pong player, how dare you lie so much. Fourth, Black is NOT a color used in chess, what the ^&*&&%%$ is up with you , you racist. Fifth, there is no opening called the english opening in chess, never has been, never will be. Next thing you say will probably practicing will make you better. GET OUT you charlatan.
TROLL #3 I agree with troll #2
FLAMER #4 I am confused. Why?
See where I'm going here? You people ARE the trolls. I give sage advice and get belittled. Once again, I got ten thousand dollars that says NOT ONE PERSON that has posted in my topics can checkmate me OTB.
Originally posted by cheater1haha, recd for the funny-ness!
Somehow, just somehow, I knew it would degenerate into this. I've only been here a month and I can tell that most of you are young, haven't played chess for much more than a few years, and angry. I'd HONESTLY wager $10,000 of my worthless American dollars that I could checkmate ANYONE who has posted in this forum, in a OTB game of 40/120.
You people are ...[text shortened]... sand dollars that says NOT ONE PERSON that has posted in my topics can checkmate me OTB.
how about you play 1 game on this site with someone who will be at least a little bit of an opponent to you, and who wants to?
Originally posted by cheater1Nothing in this post defends any of your ideas. Perhaps, as greenpawn suggested, you could post some of your games showcasing your methods. I would enjoy seeing a game where you defeat a GOOD player by developing your knights first, castling queenside, etc.
Somehow, just somehow, I knew it would degenerate into this. I've only been here a month and I can tell that most of you are young, haven't played chess for much more than a few years, and angry. I'd HONESTLY wager $10,000 of my worthless American dollars that I could checkmate ANYONE who has posted in this forum, in a OTB game of 40/120.
You people are sand dollars that says NOT ONE PERSON that has posted in my topics can checkmate me OTB.
Originally posted by cheater1But that's not your posting style at all. To keep in character, it must go something like this:
cheater_1: Hello everyone, it sure is a nice day today. Chess is the greatest game on the planet, isn't it? I practice 3 hours a day, everyday. Bobby Fischer was my favorite player. I prefer to play with the black chess pieces and like the english opening the best. Someday I hope to be a GM.
"I started this thread because I am SICK of all these LOSERS who claim that the sky is GRAY and CLOUDY. Listen, people, I watch the weather FORECAST. I look out the WINDOW. I have IRREFUTABLE proof that it is a nice day today. So SHUT it, trolls.
CHESS is the PROVEN best game on the planet. All you closeted, PANSY checker-players need to research HISTORY and realize your PATHETIC game has been around for a mere FRACTION of the time as chess, the true IMMORTAL game. Checkers is nothing more than a WASTE of a perfectly good CHESSboard.
And enough with the MISCONCEPTION that white has the advantage in chess. FACT is, BLACK has the ability to COUNTERATTACK against anything white does. White must REVEAL his intentions first. BLACK is better able to HIDE his plans.
People, I obviously know WAY more about chess than any of you do. Now that I am done CHEATING my way to victory at HIGH-DOLLAR class tourneys, I will put my SYSTEM into practice and become the FIRST 4200 rated player the world has ever seen."
Originally posted by cheater1Based on how long you claim to have been playing chess, I'll warrant that I'm older than you. What is more significant is that I knew more about scholarship when I was sixteen than you've revealed in these threads. I was sixteen a few years before you started playing chess if you been playing a mere thirty years, and was reading Logical Chess Move by Move, one possible antidote to your fetid dingo's kidneys (as someone put it so delicately).
Somehow, just somehow, I knew it would degenerate into this. I've only been here a month and I can tell that most of you are young, haven't played chess for much more than a few years, and angry. I'd HONESTLY wager $10,000 of my worthless American dollars that I could checkmate ANYONE who has posted in this forum, in a OTB game of 40/120.
You people are sand dollars that says NOT ONE PERSON that has posted in my topics can checkmate me OTB.
I've called you a fraud. Read through my many pages of posts at RHP and see how often I've offered such personal assessments. There's no question that you are SPECIAL. Help may be available, however.
Originally posted by cheater1Didn't you say before that you resign before you get checkmated? If it was $10,000 I'd play any challenger and guarantee they'd never checkmate me. They could even play white:
Once again, I got ten thousand dollars that says NOT ONE PERSON that has posted in my topics can checkmate me OTB.
Foolish challenger vs Meadows
1. e4 1-0 {Black resigns.}
Originally posted by cheater1Acccording to information given by you in first post of this thread your USCF rating should be about 1900. As my national rating is 2251 and ELO 2164 you probably would lose your $10,000.
Somehow, just somehow, I knew it would degenerate into this. I've only been here a month and I can tell that most of you are young, haven't played chess for much more than a few years, and angry. I'd HONESTLY wager $10,000 of my worthless American dollars that I could checkmate ANYONE who has posted in this forum, in a OTB game of 40/120.
You people are sand dollars that says NOT ONE PERSON that has posted in my topics can checkmate me OTB.
Originally posted by MeadowsSend cheater_1 the invoice. You've clearly won the first bet. As long as you refuse the second equally absurd bet, he owes you the money.
Didn't you say before that you resign before you get checkmated? If it was $10,000 I'd play any challenger and guarantee they'd never checkmate me. They could even play white:
Foolish challenger vs Meadows
1. e4 1-0 {Black resigns.}
My reservation about overuse of chess engines - chessmaster or any other - is that they are impervious to psychology. And the psychology is where the deeper purpose of our game exists. The possibility of failure, the chance of success against the odds, the form of your opponent and the awesome powers of the masters are just some of the ingredients that make the game great.
The experience of playing a computer programme is trivial by comparison with the visceral appeal of a game against a real opponent. Computers have there place in training but your comments on how to become a better chess player seem cobbled together and lacking in any genuine insight even if they have evoked some insightful comments from other players.
While your ability with language suggests you may be an adult, the content of what you have to say suggests you have yet to reach maturity. It is perhaps hard for you to appreciate just how superficial and inconsequential your contribution is.
You have an intelligent and interested audience here yet seem unable to produce more than the equivalent of some piped music prior to the start of the show.