This guy User 46058 seems to do ok with the Smith-Morra gambit.
As does this player User 253540
Originally posted by HomerJSimpson1. e4 c5
Something about that opening pisses me off. Im not sure I can pin point what exactly I dont like about it.
What I do know is that I do hate the fact that I give up my strong central d pawn for my opponents c pawn. I also dont like the fact that my opponent knows more about the opening then I do. I also dont like the fact that it scores a higher ...[text shortened]... osition.
What are your thoughts people, how do you like to attack the sicilian?
rant ovah!
2. Nc3 Nc6 (e6 and g6 are fine... it should all transpose anyway)
3. g3 g6 (or Nc6 or e6 depending on move 2)
4. Bg2 Bg7
5. f4 e6 (or finish up the above options, like I said, it all transposes... not many rational calls black can make other than to transpose to this position...
6. Nf3 Ne7
7. 0-0 0-0
8. d3 and in tournament and club play, I see
8. ... Rb8?! a lot
don't really understand it other than to get the rook off the long diagonal early...
9. Be3 and d5 or some other move...
both sides get good positional play...
theory says black is slightly better, but it throws most 1. ... c5 players so far out of book they cry...
Spassky did it a lot with success...
might want to check out some of his games...
often, white ends up gambiting off a pawn with an eventual e5 push to open up an enormous amount of lines for the bishops and rook...
fun opening...
i like it
Originally posted by zebanoBe careful with it, one line in particular can be tough for white, though with accurate play white keeps some edge, although I got smacked around in the line:
Yes, but while the Botvinik setup can theoretically be played against anything, I don't particularly like it against the symmetric variation.
Edit: CMSMaster has convinced me of the need to play Rg1 and the freak attack
Game 2968851
Exchanging queens when I had the chance would have left me ok, instead I played f4?? and lost.
Originally posted by Diet Cokedude, I already put a board up...
1. e4 c5
2. Nc3 Nc6
3. g3 g6
4. Bg2 Bg7
5. f4 d6
[fen]r1bqk1nr/pp1p1pbp/2n1p1p1/2p5/4PP2/2N3P1/PPPP2BP/R1BQK1NR w KQkq - 0 1[/fen]
[fen]r1bqk1nr/pp2ppbp/2np2p1/2p5/4PP2/2N3P1/PPPP2BP/R1BQK1NR w - - 0 6 [/fen]
6.d3 e6
7.Nf3 Nge7
8.O-O O-O
9.Be3 Nd4
10.e5 Nef5
[fen]r1bq1rk1/pp3pbp/3pp1p1/2p1Pn2/3n1P2/2NPBNP1/PPP3BP/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 11 [/ ...[text shortened]... copied and pasted a FEN from another post that did work, but that doesn't work either.
it is right there...
above your post
Originally posted by rubberjaw30"fun opening..."
1. e4 c5
2. Nc3 Nc6 (e6 and g6 are fine... it should all transpose anyway)
3. g3 g6 (or Nc6 or e6 depending on move 2)
4. Bg2 Bg7
5. f4 e6 (or finish up the above options, like I said, it all transposes... not many rational calls black can make other than to transpose to this position...
[fen]r1bqk1nr/pp1p1pbp/2n1p1p1/2p5/4PP2/2N3P1/PPPP2B ...[text shortened]... h to open up an enormous amount of lines for the bishops and rook...
fun opening...
i like it
Originally posted by rubberjaw30When I face this as black I normally put the pawn on e5 and not e6, planning f7-f5.
1. e4 c5
2. Nc3 Nc6 (e6 and g6 are fine... it should all transpose anyway)
3. g3 g6 (or Nc6 or e6 depending on move 2)
4. Bg2 Bg7
5. f4 e6 (or finish up the above options, like I said, it all transposes... not many rational calls black can make other than to transpose to this position...
[fen]r1bqk1nr/pp1p1pbp/2n1p1p1/2p5/4PP2/2N3P1/PPPP2B ...[text shortened]... h to open up an enormous amount of lines for the bishops and rook...
fun opening...
i like it
Originally posted by AmauroteAh, come on, the Sicilian is great. There are lots of variations, but it just makes the opening that much deeper. 🙂
I've never liked the Sicilian. There's just far too much theory for me to master - the French is rich and complex, but its variations are much more distinctive and easily recognisable.
I've been experimenting with the Pelikan recently .. my results on RHP with it have been abismal but here is a 5/0 i just played that pretty much follows the thematic ideas
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 e5 5. Nb5 d6 6. N1c3 a6 7. Na3 Nf6
8. Bg5 b5 9. Bxf6 gxf6 10. Nd5 f5 11. Bd3 Be6 12. O-O Bxd5 13. exd5 Ne7 14.
c3 e4 15. Be2 Bg7 16. Qd2 Be5 17. c4 Ng6 18. cxb5 Bxh2+ 19. Kxh2 Qh4+ 20.
Kg1 Nf4 21. Rae1 Nxg2 22. Rd1 Rg8 23. Bg4 Rxg4 24. f3 exf3 25. Rf2 Ne3+ 26.
Rg2 Rxg2+ 27. Qxg2 fxg2 #
Any bets on whether the bishop sac on move 18 was sound? 😉