Originally posted by RavelloYes you are right, 'kicking his ass' was something obviously said in the 'fever of the moment'
Yes,down two pawns,so I guess white should resign............
Come on guys,Black said that he was kicking his ass,being two pawns down was definitely not "having ass kicked".........
I agree that black has a better position but he speaks like he's a rook up or something like that..........
Qe7 is a good move also. But then White can play Nf3, Bd3,0-0 etc and get developed by losing 1 pawn, well worth it.
There are some people on here, which move very quickly and then claim, O i would have seen that move, its so obvious but i just moved to quickly.
So Bxc5 is more tactical, who know he might move to fast. But even if he takes your queen, big deal. Castling 0-0 against an open g file is dangerous and your queenside pawns and his development should lead to his downfall eventually.
Its a matter of preferance but ya Qe7 is a good move also. Doesn't distrupt your kingside pawns. Althought, what if he doesn't trade queens after you take the c-pawn with your queen? Then he would be down 2 pawns but with a white queen on the board anything can happen.
Originally posted by RahimKas you say it's a matter of preference, BxP was my first knee jerk as to the next move but (and I haven't looked into the game) I would go for Qe7. The reason I doubted it I thought no1 marauder had gone for BxP (he rated over 2100 so I tend to treat them as gods and was asking what I had missed). I would be very pleasantly suprised if I was black 2 pawns up and white traded queens (that would be a bonus in my mind)
Qe7 is a good move also. But then White can play Nf3, Bd3,0-0 etc and get developed by losing 1 pawn, well worth it.
There are some people on here, which move very quickly and then claim, O i would have seen that move, its so obvious but i just moved to quickly.
So Bxc5 is more tactical, who know he might move to fast. But even if he takes your queen, ...[text shortened]... queen? Then he would be down 2 pawns but with a white queen on the board anything can happen.
Originally posted by SamdoggWhat?!! You should have just asked him to resign.
Sorry, I am ranting about this but it just ticks me off because I was kicking this guys @$$ and he timed me out and says I suck.
this was our game by the way Game 1696357
:-p Just kidding.
Originally posted by Samdoggi saw mate in 13 for you.
we are playing a rematch, After we exchange queens, he will have a bad bishop because my white bishop and pawns take away a lot of squares from his white bishop and I would have another pawn after fianchettoing my black bishop and placing my knight on a square to attack the d pawn.