Originally posted by DaphnesYeah, most of the House of Staunton sets have extra queens, and many other manufacturers are following suit. But while it's nice to have the extra queens, I don't think it's really a big benefit. So far, only about one or two percent of my OTB games have had two queens of the same color on the board at any one time.
Oh, really? It's been years since I bought a board, since I don't play offline. That's cool.
For fun, I purposefully didn't castle in these 2 game (still in progress).
Game 3581778
Game 3585177
You're all nuts.
Im my opinion, castling is first of all an OFFENSIVE move, coz not only it hides the king, but also IT FREES A ROOK (and that's the only good reason to do it!) But as a defense, castle very often turns out to be a deadly cage: you must protect it, you must open a luft, and until the enemy queen is on the board, your king is even more at risk than it was before!
So castling isn't for cowards, is for rook-lovers offenders
Originally posted by Ice ColdAnd stalemate. That's just unfair. If your opponent doesn't have any legal moves, you should win the game.
You forgot the first move of a pawn, moving two squares. 😞
I also hate people who trade off pieces to win the game when they are ahead in material. Cowards! Anyone could win that way.
Some people also use tricks like perpetual checks when they are in a lost position. That's so unsportsmanlike! Any honourable person would resign in such a situation.
Originally posted by GinoJGame 3312670
I fight with my king right in the middle like a man, I do not escape to corners for unmanly tactics.
Castling is for cowards.
Erm i think ur lying ands that just one e.g.