Originally posted by black beetleI have much Native American blood in me so obviously it wasn't genocide. Spain helped contribute to the "genocide" also but does anybody talk about them? No, because they were a conquered peoples in a time of imperialism. Back then you could find tons of examples of such "atrocities."
The site on the top, maybe. But some well documended historical issues, like the genocide of the Indians, are not at all hooh hah conspiracy.
Originally posted by SwissGambitOk I really do respect your educated opinion, but the bottom line will always be the same,, Bobby Fisher gone, good, ๐ nothin lost, IN MY OPINION. Charlotte
Well, let's put it this way: if I am going to celebrate another human being's death, I will save it for those who actually murder innocents, and not the insane or those with merely controversial opinions.
Originally posted by robbie carrobiehttp://www.tsgnet.com/pres.php?id=370743&altf=cmbdl&altl=cffumf
no, i just have no faith in democracy, man, beetle dude, look what happened in the pawn riot game, democracy took us from a perfectly decent opening like the French, and now we are facing a dragon slayer, in Yugoslavia, with a bunch of woosies who canae decide whether they wanted it or not, man that's democracy for you, and like the rook, that's the ...[text shortened]... ctate his will, it could nae be any worse than whats gone before! black beetle for president!
Originally posted by NordlysLOL, awesome, this will sober that beetle up, no more Island Malt and vague traces of skipping reals of rhyme for him, ah beetle, ' but pleasures are like poppies spread, you seize the bloom, the flower is shed, or the snowfall on the river, a moment white then melts forever', its economics and meeting foreign dignitaries for you from now on beetle my son!
Originally posted by tomtom232Atrocities are atrocities, they 're part of the geopolitical game of every known superpower, America included. The fact that the known human history is full of wars and atrocities means not that the US of A can enjoy the green light for the atrocities of their administration. If you want a debate about this issue, then create a thread at the proper forum.
I have much Native American blood in me so obviously it wasn't genocide. Spain helped contribute to the "genocide" also but does anybody talk about them? No, because they were a conquered peoples in a time of imperialism. Back then you could find tons of examples of such "atrocities."
Originally posted by robbie carrobieHmmm, I have no access there; what's the buzz?
LOL, awesome, this will sober that beetle up, no more Island Malt and vague traces of skipping reals of rhyme for him, ah beetle, ' but pleasures are like poppies spread, you seize the bloom, the flower is shed, or the snowfall on the river, a moment white then melts forever', its economics and meeting foreign dignitaries for you from now on beetle my son!
Originally posted by black beetleThat's not my point. My point is that people should just stop picking on poor old america when she has done no more than just about any other country.
Atrocities are atrocities, they 're part of the geopolitical game of every known superpower, America included. The fact that the known human history is full of wars and atrocities means not that the US of A can enjoy the green light for the atrocities of their administration. If you want a debate about this issue, then create a thread at the proper forum.
Originally posted by tomtom232This is ill considered. The fact that "everybody does it" means not that, when the American administration does it, we will not condemn it.
That's not my point. My point is that people should just stop picking on poor old america when she has done no more than just about any other country.
Originally posted by black beetleIll considered? Why not condemn all who have commited atrocities equally? America isn't the only country with problems, but everybody likes to bash on america because it is a good country and they are jealous. They just use "atrocities" as an excuse.
This is ill considered. The fact that "everybody does it" means not that, when the American administration does it, we will not condemn it.
Originally posted by black beetleForget Obama and McCain... black beetle is Coming on Strong!
Hmmm, I have no access there; what's the buzz?
A long list of hopefuls have dreamed of the top government offices this election year. Hillary Clinton, Rudy Giuliani, and Mike Huckabee have all been left in the dust. And coming down the stretch it's Barack Obama and Joe Biden vs. John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Exactly who is the real black beetle?But wait... there's another hot contender who might come close to winning without even knowing about it, and it's not "Joe the Plumber."
Two weeks ago, a caller to an online talk show complained about the limited political choices. After lamenting about having to vote for the "lesser of two evils," the caller said you could probably pick someone at random who'd be a better choice for President. A short time later, another caller said, "I've got this friend, black beetle who'd be perfect as president... sharp, level-headed, and a great decision maker!"
Things have exploded since then, thanks to the power of the Internet. People embraced the idea of picking a political outsider at random, and they began calling it the "beetle Factor." In more than half-a-dozen metro areas, signs are going up, all promoting black beetle for President.
Unfortunately, no one knows who it was who suggested this random nominee... and no one is sure where black beetle is. Several groups have hired private researchers to find the real black beetle. It's going to get interesting!
Originally posted by robbie carrobie๐
Forget Obama and McCain... black beetle is Coming on Strong!
A long list of hopefuls have dreamed of the top government offices this election year. Hillary Clinton, Rudy Giuliani, and Mike Huckabee have all been left in the dust. And coming down the stretch it's Barack Obama and Joe Biden vs. John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Exactly who is the real ...[text shortened]... private researchers to find the real black beetle. It's going to get interesting!
yer skoosh ain't jus skoosh lately; and now ye see black bugs all around; remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent