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In Italian Game, why is Na5 better then Nxd4

In Italian Game, why is Na5 better then Nxd4

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Just trying to get some ideas.

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Originally posted by HomerJSimpson
Just trying to get some ideas.
To get rid of the bishop

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It's by no means certain that it is. (I assume you're referring to the Two Knights line 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5 Na5 or Nd4)

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Originally posted by Northern Lad
It's by no means certain that it is. (I assume you're referring to the Two Knights line 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5 Na5 or Nd4)
If that is the case and it is the Two Knights I think Nd4 (Fritz Variation) is better than Na5! As long as he follows up with ...b5

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Originally posted by Northern Lad
It's by no means certain that it is. (I assume you're referring to the Two Knights line 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5 Na5 or Nd4)
then why do all the GMs play it?

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Originally posted by HomerJSimpson
then why do all the GMs play it?
They don't. Here is one example:

[Event "69th ch-BUL"]
[Site "Pleven BUL"]
[Date "2005.??.??"]
[White "Ninov,N"]
[Black "Cheparinov,I"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2486"]
[BlackElo "2621"]
[ECO "C57"]
[Round "1"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. exd5 Nd4 6. c3 b5 7. Bf1 Nxd5 8. cxd4 Qxg5 9. Nc3 exd4 10. Bxb5+ Kd8 11. Bc6 Nf4 12. Bxa8 Nxg2+ 13. Kf1 Bh3 14. d3 Nf4+ 15. Ke1 dxc3 16. bxc3 Bc5 17. d4 Re8+ 18. Kd2 Nd5+ 19. f4 Qg2+ 20. Kd3 Qe4+ 21. Kc4 Nb6+ 22. Kxc5 Qe7+ 23. Kb5 Bd7+ 24. Ka6 Qd6 25. Qb3 Nxa8+ 26. Ka5 Bc8 27. c4 Re6 28. Qb5 Nb6 29. f5 Nxc4+ 30. Qxc4 Qb6+ 31. Ka4 Bd7+ 32. Ka3 Qa5+ 33. Kb2 Rb6+ 34. Qb3 Ba4 35. f6 Bxb3 36. axb3 Qd5 37. fxg7 Qxb3+ 0-1

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Originally posted by HomerJSimpson
then why do all the GMs play it?
Like the marshall attack, black gives up a pawn for a powerful initiative. A Class A club member drew a master with it at a tournaments in Vegas last year. Tis easier to attack than defend.

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Sometimes Black plays something like Na5 in the Ruy, not overly bent on trading the horsie for the priest, though Black would like it if White doesn't mind, but has the expansion of the queenside in mind.

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Originally posted by searchingforkolisch
Sometimes Black plays something like Na5 in the Ruy, not overly bent on trading the horsie for the priest, though Black would like it if White doesn't mind, but has the expansion of the queenside in mind.
Nice...we're not talking about the Ruy though.

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It's the same move just in case so we don't have another thread asking why Na5 in the Ruy. =]

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I just played this opening recently

Game 4451147

and for the life of me I dont see how this is a good play for black, yes you seem to get an initiative but white has no weaknesses and black loses not only a pawn but destroys his entire pawn structure.


Originally posted by HomerJSimpson
I just played this opening recently

Game 4451147

and for the life of me I dont see how this is a good play for black, yes you seem to get an initiative but white has no weaknesses and black loses not only a pawn but destroys his entire pawn structure.
The entire setup for black is based on development advantage and initiative to compensate for the pawn. After white's unusual 13.Bd2 (the standard play is b3 and Bb2), you lost the initiative with Nc4, almost 'forcing' white to play the good move Bc3. You should have simply castled. If he played Bc3 anyway, then Ne4 or Nd5 would be good continuations, keeping the initiative for black.

You did resign a bit prematurely in my opinion. You could have castled long and fight for a draw. There were plenty of opportunities to follow for either player to make weaker moves.

Having said all that, it must be added that in today's masterchess, this 5. ... Na5 line has not been very successful for black. And if you are a tactically inclined player, I would also recommend to look deeper into the 5. ... Nd4 line, of which I gave a rather recent GM-game above.

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Originally posted by Mephisto2
The entire setup for black is based on development advantage and initiative to compensate for the pawn. After white's unusual 13.Bd2 (the standard play is b3 and Bb2), you lost the initiative with Nc4, almost 'forcing' white to play the good move Bc3. You should have simply castled. If he played Bc3 anyway, then Ne4 or Nd5 would be good continuations, kee ...[text shortened]... mend to look deeper into the 5. ... Nd4 line, of which I gave a rather recent GM-game above.
In my opinion 13.Bd2 was dubious choice. Agree that 13..0-0 was much better as after 14.Bc3 Ne4 black has better position.

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Originally posted by Mephisto2
The entire setup for black is based on development advantage and initiative to compensate for the pawn. After white's unusual 13.Bd2 (the standard play is b3 and Bb2), you lost the initiative with Nc4, almost 'forcing' white to play the good move Bc3. You should have simply castled. If he played Bc3 anyway, then Ne4 or Nd5 would be good continuations, kee mend to look deeper into the 5. ... Nd4 line, of which I gave a rather recent GM-game above.
Thanks mephisto! Yeah it seems I went wrong at nc4, I will give nd4 a try

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned the fried liver attack..
after 5...Nxd5 this is a fun tactical opening to play although some say it isn't sound... 6.Bxf7+ Kxf7 7.Qf3+ Ke6 8.Nc3 (and more or less continuing to attack the knight on d5 while drawing the king to the middle of the board. It's fun 🙂

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