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Interesting Tactical Solution....

Interesting Tactical Solution....

Only Chess

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White's in danger of losing material but 1. Rxf8 nxf8 doesn't look like it leads anywhere that I can see. I guess one has to look down the Rxc7 line.
1. Rxc7 Rxf5 2. Nxf5 looks promising. White has an active rook, can get a passed pawn and the Black queen is stuck in no-man's lands while his king is still vulnerable.

Is this from an actual game or a might-have-been?

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Have a closer look at Qe6. I liked it originally, then thought it was a bankrupt idea, then after vipiu mentioned the fact that White can simply wait for Black to run out of pawn moves I liked it again. All of Black's k-side material is in zugzwang, anything moves and he loses. all he has is the a-pawn, which gets shut down very quickly, and then Black has to give something up. 1-0.

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Originally posted by vipiu
1 Qe6 and if Rxf7 Nf5 a
This line's the answer. Black has only pawn moves left on the Queen side. Anything else loses quicker. 1. Qe6 Rxf7 2. Nf5 and black is forced to self-destruct eg 2. ... a5 3. b3 c4 4. dxc4 a4 5. bxa4. Nice one.

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Originally posted by buffalobill
This line's the answer. Black has only pawn moves left on the Queen side. Anything else loses quicker. 1. Qe6 Rxf7 2. Nf5 and black is forced to self-destruct eg 2. ... a5 3. b3 c4 4. dxc4 a4 5. bxa4. Nice one.

[fen]6k1/2p2rpq/3pQ1n1/3PpNPp/P1P1P2P/8/P7/6K1 b - - 0 5[/fen]
whats wrong with Nf4 for a threat on the queen after 2 Nf5 ?? seems this refutes 1. Qe6 doesn't it?

even if Ne7+ I don't see any variation that forces mate after this move...and an exchange makes black better... what am i missing?

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Originally posted by Adorea
whats wrong with Nf4 for a threat on the queen after 2 Nf5 ?? seems this refutes 1. Qe6 doesn't it?

even if Ne7+ I don't see any variation that forces mate after this move...and an exchange makes black better... what am i missing?
The knight needs to stay in place to interpose, else 3. Qe8+ Rf8 4.Ne7+ Kh8 5.Qxf8+ Qg8 6.Qxg8#.

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Originally posted by incandenza
The knight needs to stay in place to interpose, else 3. Qe8+ Rf8 4.Ne7+ Kh8 5.Qxf8+ Qg8 6.Qxg8#.
Just beat me to it. Dang

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Originally posted by Adorea
whats wrong with Nf4 for a threat on the queen after 2 Nf5 ?? seems this refutes 1. Qe6 doesn't it?

even if Ne7+ I don't see any variation that forces mate after this move...and an exchange makes black better... what am i missing?
If nf4 then Qe8+ Black can only play Rf8 and then Ne7+ wins.

There's no immediate forced mate here. White must just wait and he's got loads of pawn moves. Black is forced to move and lose. Zugzwang.

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Bingo! 1. Qe6!! Rxf7 2. Nf5!!, and its only a matter of time.

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Originally posted by !~TONY~!
Here's an interesting position from Charles Hertan's very new book "Forcing Chess Moves: The Key to Better Chess Calculation". It took me a very long time to solve this position, and humorously, both engines on my computer can't solve it. See if you can find the win for White here:

[fen]5rk1/2p2Rpq/p2p2n1/2pPpQPp/4P2P/3P2N1/PP6/6K1 w - - 0 1[/fen]
I randomly happened across that book a couple of days ago, and was intrigued.

Would you recommend it?


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Originally posted by Ragnorak
I randomly happened across that book a couple of days ago, and was intrigued.

Would you recommend it?

Looks intriguing to me as well, although I have a feeling it will be way too advanced for me.

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I would recommend it based on what I've read so far, although it definitely assumes some tactical competence, so I wouldn't recommend it for anyone under around 1700 elo, although I can sense it would probably instill a lot of regimen into how you calculate if you are unfamiliar with looking at forcing moves first.

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